Chapter 4

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Markus and I had been driving for almost 2 hours now but he still wouldn't tell me where we were going. If I asked, he'd just smirk and shrug. Finally things out the window started to look familiar. Unfortunately, that's when he made me put on a blindfold. I felt the car park and Markus's door open and close. Then my door opened and he was guiding me out the car by my elbow. I could hear the laughing and the screams as I stumbled over the dirt. I could smell the cotton candy in the air and the familiarity of it made my heart pump wildly with excitement.

"Alright. Open."

I quickly removed the blindfold and gasped.

"You brought me here?" I turned to face him. He had that sexy, confident smirk on his face. The one that said he knew he'd done something right and was feeling pretty proud of himself. I smiled brightly and hugged him. "I'm sure you had to have a talk with Leslie and she probably harassed you about getting hitched or whatever crap she spouts so thank you."

"It was no trouble at all. Though, I did have a talk her and she gave us her blessing to go and give her a hundred little nieces and nephews. So just say when. We wouldn't want to disappoint Leslie now would we?" I snorted and pulled away from him.

"Yea okay." I rolled my eyes and tugged on his arm. "C'mon. What's the point of coming here if we aren't going to go in?"

He took my hand then led me in.


The day was perfect. We ate cotton candy and funnel cakes. Markus won me a big, fluffy, white tiger and we took pictures in a vintage photo booth. There were two copies so I kept one and he kept one. There was a picture of both of us smiling. Then one where we made silly faces. Then one where we were looking at each other. And in the last one, we were kissing. Looking at the one made my heart tighten a little. Geez, if I wasn't falling. When night fall came, everything lit up beautifully. I was almost too exhausted from the earlier activities to enjoy it.

"C'mon, one more ride." His eyes pleaded with me so I gave in. I let Markus lead me to the ferris wheel. There was no line and nobody was on it since the carnival was closing. We mounted the car and began to ascend. "The view is gorgeous." I commented.

"I know." He murmured.

Something in his tone caught my attention and when I glanced at him, he was looking directly at me. I blushed and looked away. Wow this is turning into some cheesy high school romance. I thought sarcastically to myself. His groan brought me out of my thoughts. He had this hungry gleam in his eye that was both unsettling and exhilarating. He crossed the car and smashed his lips into mine. Our tongues melted together, teasing one another. My heart was beating fast and my breath was coming out in pants. My hands tangled in his hair, tugging lightly. He moaned but then pulled away from me.

"Tell me about your father."

-Markus's POV-

She immediately stilled, then removed herself from my arms as if I'd burned her.

"What do you want to know?" Her face was a mask, blank and unreadable.

"You were close?"

Another silent nod.

"Tell me about him."

"He was the best father a girl could ever have. I could go to him for anything, weather it be a shoulder to cry on or money for the mall. People would say I was exactly like him from the way I looked to my personality. I guess I was kind of a daddy's girl." She laughed and sniffled a little before continuing. "I was never too close with my mom but she always favored Leslie anyway. His death was one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with. He died of a heart attack. If it wasn't for Rodrick-" She paused as if she had made a slip.

"Who's Rodrick?" I asked.

"Nobody important. Just the guy I was with when my father past." Her tone was nonchalant but the way she fidgeted told me there was more. I was about to ask her about it when she flung herself into my arms, kissing me with everything in her body. Who was I to stop her? I pulled her on to my lap so she was straddling me. I trailed hot kisses down her neck, licking and sucking the sensitive skin there. She gasped as I ground my erection against her. But when I began to push her top up, she stopped and re-adjusted herself so that she was sitting across from me. I raised an eyebrow and she blushed a little, motioning to my crotch with her eyes then motioning to the ferris wheel operator

"The ride is over and the park is closing." His overbearingly, obnoxious voice sounded. I rolled my eyes and got out. After helping Elizabeth out, we left.

-Elizabeth's POV-

The drive home was silent but comfortable. I thought about my father, his funeral, and the thing that had impacted me even more than my father's death.


Being whatever Markus and I are or what we may become means I'll have to tell him. But if I tell him about what really happened with Rodrick, I'll have to tell Leslie and Taylor who will have a fit for not knowing sooner. But if I don't tell them, they may find out somehow other than from me. But I have good reasoning right? I just didn't want them to have to worry about me. I can take care of myself. Besides Rodrick is gone now and shouldn't be back for a while. I sighed causing Markus to glance in my direction.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine. Just thinking."

"About what?"

"Today. How it couldn't have been better."

He gave me a wicked grin. "Of course it could have been better. 4 words. You. Me. Rough. Sex."

I blushed and rolled my eyes. "Way to ruin the moment."

He laughed as we pulled up in front of my apartment building.

"Let me walk you up."

When we got to my door I opened my mouth to say goodnight but his lips immediately covered mine. He pushed my back against the door and pressed himself against the length of my body. He trailed blazing hot kisses down my neck before reaching back up to my ear, His cool breath sending shivers down my spine.

"Goodnight My Lizzie."

Then he was gone. I leaned against the door clutching my chest and panting. Once I collected myself I turned and unlocked my door. When it opened, I noticed a white envelope fall to the ground. I picked it up and opened it as I headed to the kitchen. When I read the letter inside, I froze and all the blood drained from my face. I felt cold all over and realized I was shaking.

See you soon Angel.


Well, looks like Liz has a secret. Tell me what you think and any errors I need to fix. Until next time,






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