A Deal With The Devil

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I walked down a road, thinking I needed some rest, I sat down on a bench and stared into the bright red sunset. I sighed, "God it's so beautiful. This nature, this Earth, how can someone hate it?". I closed my eyes. I was so relaxed and happy. Felt like there was not one trouble in this world. I heard quite rustling behind me, "Another angel.... Jesus". I pretended like I didn't hear the anonymous angel. He walked up behind me and slowly rose the blade. I opened my eyes and quickly grabbed the blade and threw him into the ground.

"Really? Even now she's sending you guys after me? She knows what happened last time" I said angrily. "What can I say? She's desperate" The angel replied. Without hesitating I was about to stab the angel. The angel laughed "I don't care if you kill me Castiel, besides there's bigger fish looking for you". "What do you mean by 'bigger fish'?" tilting my head in confusion. "One word Castiel: Lucifer". My throat became dry, "Lucifer?"

{Flashback into Heaven/ Third Person point of view}

Naomi threw everything off her table and screamed in agony. "What do I do? What do I do?". Samantha {an angel} stood there watching Naomi. "There's always a solution Naomi, and we'll find one don't worry". "HOW? We've send every angel, every archangel and STILL Castiel is way too powerful." Naomi replied. "Well we all know there's one archangel that can do the job. No person can be powerful than him". "Are you out of your mind? Lucifer? Getting him out of the cage to find a stupid rogue? He will never listen to us. And we all hate him, we can never go around making deals with the devil Samantha". "I know it's wrong, it's a huge risk, but it's the only way. He's the only one who can do it. Castiel can never beat him" Samantha replied. "Even if we ask him this favor, we need to give him something in return, something valuable, or he'll never listen to us" Naomi said worried. "It's okay, I have the perfect deal" Samantha smirked.

Naomi went to hell. She walked into the throne of the king . The only one who would know a way into Lucifer's cage. "Crowley!" Naomi shouted. He turned around. He had a long black coat on and some black boots. "Naomi? What the hell are you doing here?". "I need a favor Crowley, and I'm ready to make a deal" Naomi replied. "A deal with you? Really? I'm not that bad that I start making deals with angels" Crowley laughed sitting down on his throne. "1,000 souls" Naomi shouted. Crowley looked up, shocked, "What did you say?". "If you do this favor for me, then you'll get 1,000 souls. Enough to feed every little demon of yours". "What's the favor?" Crowley asked. "I need a way into Lucifer's cage". "What the hell do you want with him?" Crowley asked. "I'll tell you, but for now, could you get me to him Crowley?". "Get the keys Dave, we're going to the devil" He ordered a demon.

They walked to a huge door with a keyhole in the front. "Here it is. On the other side of that door, just a few steps, will be his cage". The demon handed Naomi a lantern and the key to the door. She unlocked the door and turned around "Thank you Crowley". Crowley rolled his eyes, "I just want the souls". "Samantha has them, she's right by the door, waiting for you". Naomi replied. "Thank you darling" Crowley said closing the doors behind her. Naomi turned around and started walking, "Can't wait to see you lost brother"

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