I think he's the one

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Your name is Tyquari your 14 you have 2 brothers Tyqell is 16 and Tyquan is 12 . You live with both of your parents in Houston Texas . You go to Brighten High . You have a best friend Brianna , y'all been friends for a while . Your really popular cause your a fashion killaa💃🔫 it's your first year in high school ...let's see how this goes .

Morning -

You - *alarm goes off* ugh , first day of school -.- *you get up and go in the bathroom*

--10 min later--

You - *put on your navy uggs , with your ripped blue light jeans , navy blue north face sweater . You curled your hair*

Mom - Tyri !

You - yes mom ?

Mom - I'll be in the car , hurry your brothers are already down .

You - alright gosh !

{ Schoooollll }

You - Brianna ! *runs and hugs her* you look so cute !

Brianna - so do you , the boys are already starring .

You - I don't care , let's just get to first period .

Brianna - alright .

You - *bumps into someone , and drops your books* oops I'm sorry , *bends down and picks up your stuff*

?? - it's all good , I wasn't looking ..*looks at you* I should have so I would have seen your beautiful face first .. *smirks*

You - ^.^


Ms . Benton - alright students new year , but more work . I need you to get a partner !

You - Brianna ?

Bri - *whispers to you* this boy wants to be with you*

You - SOOO ...

Bri - just do it with him ! *gets up*

?? - Hi ...

You - hey what's your name ?

?? - Marqus .

You - oh really that's a nice name .

Marqus - thanks , Tyquari .

You - how you know my name ?

Marqus - your friend told me !

You - oh yeah sorry , um so what do you wanna do since we have to pick anything for this project ?

Marqus - i don't know , aslong as I get to be with you I'm straight .

You - oh really ? *laughs*

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