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Oh my worldly desires,
You do not have much importance,
She stands more important.
Your goal is to please her,
That's what is your significance.

Oh my worldly desires,
You seem small in front of her,
Her happiness seems to be your significance,
Without her, you are still beloved,
But the shine just seems to be withering by.

Oh my worldly desires,
Why is it that a human dreams,
He reaches places far beyond where one cannot hear even the loudest scream.
Why is it that a human has wants,
They say the heart wants what it wants.
But when the heart has a beloved want,
Its not fulfilled, to linger around a dark haunt.

Oh my worldly desires,
Where does this journey end?
Who is actually scripting it,
Why are there so many bends?
I do not like the writer's shifting bit.

Oh my worldly desires,
The end lies in your hands,
The epilogue should be good,
There shouldn't be any false strands.
What awaits in the end is ultimate joy,
Waiting to reach it, dying to see me ahoy.


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