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[Private Text Messages]

Chris / Tori

Someone told me u aren't texting back

What do you mean?

Cam have been texting for like an hour now

And he isn't pleased that u answered me so quickly


I feel like that was sarcasm 


Is he next to you?


He thinks I'm texting Kelly

What's the deal with u and Kelz?

I mean u guys have been texting each other now?

Yeah sometimes we text

R u into her?

I wouldn't say that

So u are into her

That is so exciting


Omg I'm so telling her this

U better not!

In anyway

She knows my phone password

She will eventually come here and check my phone

Maybe see this message

That's why u will erase it


Let's get back to u

We aren't done

U know we flying back tomorrow morning

R u going to come get us?


We need a ride

Uber every fucking where 

Haha funny.

Bye felisha

I'm not picking u up

Say Cam that I am busy and won't be answering him

Cause I'm kinda pissed


That's it

Why r u even pissed?

Because he left me

 when I asked him a really important question

What important question?

"What r we?"


That question

I mean I know that he had the show

But he could at least say something

not just gtg bye

I know Cam

And tbh we all know he likes u

Maybe he want the moment to be special

What moment?

Knowing him

He wouldn't be the type of guy

to ask u to be his gf on text messag

Just saying


He's going to ask my to be his gf?


He didn't tell me anything

He just told me he was upset

That u didn't text him back

he has been texting a lot



I have to go shopping

I have to buy a dress

I have a wedding to attend tomorrow

What wedding?

Kelz parents wedding

That's why I can't pick u guys up tomorrow

I'm driving with Kelz all the way to San fran

How am I not invited to that wedding?

Ask Kelz

Bye now Chris


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