Chapter 1

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"Look I'm not about to stop my schedule for some publicity stunt. I'm a dancer, not some variety show host!"

", I was just checking. Your manager said that you were willing to model for my store...But now when I think about it, I guess everyone was right when they said Sehun was a downright SNOB!" I snarled back. Or at least I hoped it came out that way. Honestly, I didn't get what the big deal was. It's not like I was this creepy paparazzi person. I just can't believe I took the time out of my busy schedule to meet him.

"Get out!" he snarled

"Gladly!" and with that I slammed the door.

Later that day...


"One sec!" I shouted running toward the door. Before I knew it Victoria came bustling through.

"You won't believe who I got us a date with!"


"Omfg, he's so hot! And he said he'd bring a friend for you!"

"No! It'll be so...awkward. I don't even want to think about it!"

"Come on Krystal! You're 19 for crying out loud, GO ON THE DATE! I don't want to see you 30 and single."

"I-I DONT WANT TO!" Victoria was always trying to set me up with people. I never accepted before, it would be too awkward and the guy would probably be too desperate.

"Too freakin bad, you're coming with me or I'm telling your Oma. You know if she finds out she'll be all over this!" Oh shit...she got me there, if you think Victoria is boy crazy wait til you meet my mom. I swear she is trying to live vicariously through my non-exisitent love life.

"Uhh I hate you! But...I'll go. " I said cringing.

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