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"Get out, you stupid tart! Weaklings like you don't belong in Sabertooth!" He yelled, grabbing my hair and throwing me out the guild doors.

I arch my back in pain from the impact of hitting the ground. Groaning, I sit up. I guess that's what I deserve. After all, I do pretend to look weak to other people. The reason why I do this is to hide the fact that I am a 3rd generation dragon slayer.

'I guess I should start looking for another guild to join,' I thought to myself, 'Hopefully this next guild will be better than the last one.'

'I've heard a lot about this other guild, Fairy Tail. Maybe I should join it.'

I walked my way over to the said guild. 'Let's see what this place has in store for me.'

I had finally arrived at the guild. I came just to see if it was any good.

Before I entered, I heard a lot of screaming and the noise of objects being thrown. I opened the door out of curiosity. Maybe that was a bad idea. Because right after I opened that door, I saw the most "amazing" first impression ever. If you enjoy the pain of getting hit in the face with a wooden table, that is.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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