Chapter One

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Hello, I'm Mimi, I'm in Highschool and, Just to make this clear I'm a Boy. I'm shy around everyone so I don't talk much. I'm scared of storms... When a storm hits I usually pull my legs to my chest hiding my face with a blanket to comfort myself. I was always alone and I still am...

I went to this high school hoping I wouldn't get judged but I did anyway 'Why are you dressed like a girl?' 'Why were you even put in this school? You stupid gay!' I usually ignore the comments and do my daily routine and that's what I did, I put my headphones in and listen to BTS or EXO tapping my foot to the beat. Finally, school ended and I had to walk home from school alone, and tired again like every day... But instead, I got into a fight with some bullies at the school, me getting beat... again.. By these same guys every time just waiting for them to get bored and go after someone else and leave me be, but they never got tired, never left me alone, always in the same spot, everything was just the same to me...

I arrived home, and heard male voices in the living room "Eomma, I'm home" I yelled so she could hear me. "Oh Mimi, come here and meet your sister's husband to be Hongbin!" Mimi's mother excitedly yelled. I looked at Hongbin, then to the others that were standing next to Hongbin "Oh, this is N and Ravi." My mother said, I rolled my eyes and went to my room turning on my TV to see that there was a thunder storm coming. My heart started to beat once the rain started, Mimi's mother noticed it was raining, and got a worried look "Eomma, what's wrong?" Hyuk asked. "Ken is still out there, and Leo went to his room." Eomma looking worried. "Wait, who's Leo?" N asked. "Oh, sorry. Leo is my son we call him Mimi." Eomma said, happily. "So is he a transgender?" N asked. "Oh no, here sit down and I'll tell you the story." Eomma said.

~Flashback to when Leo (or Mimi) was little~

"Taekwoon let's go shopping, I heard there's a new doll house out." -Leo's Papa

"Papa I don't want a dollhouse. I want a transformer." -Leo

"Taekwoon, You are a girl!" -Leo's Papa

"Papa.... I was made a boy." -Leo

"You are what I tell you, you are." -Leo's Papa

"But Papa that's not fair!" -Leo

"Suck it up, and deal with it." -Leo's Papa

"But isn't that something a guy would do?" -Leo

"It is, but girls do it too." -Leo's Papa

"I'M NOT A GIRL!" -Leo

"YOU ARE!" as Leo's Papa said that he smacked Leo.

"Papa..... You've changed.." -Leo

Leo ran off to the car, sat in it and waited for his Papa to come and drive. Papa got to the car, got in and started it. As they moved, Leo saw a white truck not looking where he was going and they cra-

~Back to reality from Leo in boy form cutting his mom off~

"You said you'd never tell anyone about that..." I sob, with my low voice.

"Oh come here, Leo. I just wanted them to know because we will be family soon." Eomma said as she smiled.

"You and they will never be my family, even if it killed me I'll never be a family with you guys!" I said, then ran upstairs to my room locking the door.

"Eomma, is it good to leave him alone? Especially in this kind of situation?" Hyuk asked, in a small worried voice.

"He'll be fine. A few more cuts never hurt anyone." Eomma said, about to cry in Hyuk's arms

Ravi sat up fast when he heard Leo's mom say that. "Leo cuts? Why?" Ravi asked.

Ken walked in the house answering Ravi's question "He gets bullied because of what he became..." Ken said, sitting on the couch.

"What did he become?" Ravi asked.

"A ma- uhh... Well, that's not for me to tell you....."

"A muuhhh?" N asked, making Ken giggle at him, making N blush..

"OOOOO~ Why you blushing N?" Ravi asked, making fun of N.

"Wh-WHOT! YOU CRAZY!" N yelled, tickling Ravi.

(Back to Leo)

Leo in his room still sitting with his back against his bedroom door.

'I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life!'

He said over and over again in his head.

'Can't this all just be over already?'

'Why me? Why do I have to go through this alone?'

A lot of things on his mind, but not a word came out of his mouth...

'I should take a shower..'

Leo walked down to the living room to see Ravi, Ken, N, HongBin and Hyuk ruff housing.

"I'm going to take a shower, I'll leave it unlocked just in case you have to go.." Leo said, a blush crept his face but he hid it by turning around to go back up to the bathroom.

He gets in washing his body, face, and hair...

He gets out and dries himself, and puts on some PJ's.

He goes down to the kitchen to see Ravi with a cup of water, without his shirt on.

"Oh, Sorry I hope you don't mind I have my shirt off, I can put it back on if you want?" Ravi offered. Ravi handed Leo a paper with his number on it

"I-It's f-fine.." Leo looks down at the paper, and smiles a bit taking little glances at Ravi's perfect body, but catches himself before Ravi noticed. "I-I should go back to my room.." Leo says, stuttering a little.

"Oh uh before you go, Leo... Can I... sleep in your bed with you tonight? There's nowhere for me to sleep...." Ravi said.

"I-I uhh I guess you can..." Leo said, blushing a little.

Leo gets a glass of water before going to his room.

Ravi still with his shirt off, went to lay in Leo's bed.

Leo hesitantly went to the bed to lay down next to Ravi. Leo turns to his side, putting his back to the other male. Ravi pulled Leo into a warm back hug.

Morning came when Leo opened his eyes to see Ravi's sleeping face. He jumped out of bed quickly and went downstairs to the living room.

"How was your sleepover with Ravi?" Hyuk asked, sarcastically.

"W-What?" Leo asked, with a blush creeping up on his face.

"My back feels better now." Ravi said, walking in the living room.

Leo jumped when he heard Ravi's voice. "I have to get ready for work, Hyuk can you bring my work outfit up to my room?" Leo asked. "Sure" Hyuk said. "What does Leo do?" Ravi asked. "Ask him, not me." Hyuk said, with a smile.


Next chapter will be out soon but please give me time, I'll try to update every other day but no promises.

Message me if you have any ideas of a story you want and I'll work on it.


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