Six years after the events of the previous film, Chucky and Tiffany's unnamed child is born in the closing moments of the previous film. He soon locates the dolls of Chucky and Tiffany, When Chucky discovers that he is his child, he faints, while Tiffany is very happy. They then have a disagreement over the gender of their child due to it having no genitals. Chucky believes it is a boy (which it is) and names him Glen, but Tiffany, however, insists it is a girl and names it Glenda. Although Glen dislikes killing and has his parents promise to stop, Chucky enthusiastically tries to bring the new addition into the "family business". But Tiffany, feeling a new sense of parental responsibility, wants them to swear off killing, while at the same time planning for them to inhabit the bodies of Jennifer Tillyand her chauffeur, (originally Redman until Tiffany killed him in a momentary "slip"), and her unborn children. Soon after, Chucky and Tiffany find out that Glen does, indeed, have a female counterpart, Glenda. With all the chaos of the events, Chucky, exasperated by these experiences, finally decides that he prefers life as a doll over life as a human. Tiffany is disturbed by this and decides to take Glen and leave Chucky. Enraged and heartbroken, he kills Tiffany, but Glen, horrified of what his father just did, takes an axe and hacks Chucky to pieces, killing him. Tiffany succeeds in transferring her and her child's souls into their desired bodies. Five years later in 2009 at Glen's birthday party, he is sent a package containing Chucky's severed right arm which then tries to strangle him and the film ends with Chucky's evil laugh.