The Heartbreak

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Sugar was walking out of the school until she saw her crush, Leonard. All of her attention was on the wizard. She believed that Leonard was a real wizard.

"Wizard! Yoo-hoo!" Sugar called out.

Leonard turned around to see the farm girl calling to him, and he might be afraid of her.

Sugar walked to the wizard in a romantic way. "Hi there sweetie," she blushed.

"Hi," Leonard said quickly.

"I've known you for many weeks. So I was wondering... PLEASE GO ON A DATE WITH ME!" She pleaded.

Sugar thought that Leonard was going to answer positively. Sugar smiled, but trouble came.

"Nope," Leonard replied. Sugar gasped in horror.

Ella was hiding behind a wall, listening in on the conversation. She was sad that Leonard rejected Ella's friend (on Ella's side).

"I'm sorry, but I don't date fat girls like you," said Leonard. "Except Tammy at least," he said in his mind. Poor Sugar.

Ella gasped. "Oh no." she whispered softly. Sugar's heart was shattered. The words "fat girls" echoed in Sugar's head. "Later." Leonard left the school grounds.

Sugar covered her eyes with her hands and started crying. She ran all the way home. Ella hated to see Sugar cry, so she teared up a little too. "Poor Sugar. She needs some cheering up." Ella decided to follow the farm girl to her house.

To Be Continued

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