Café Love

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Hi, this is my first time writing a 6927 fanfic. Oh, this is also my first KHR story as well! Please go easy on me. To those who are waiting for my Yullen FF to be updated, I'm so sorry! I had a bit of a writer's block but hopefully with the creation of this fic, I'll be able to write the latest chapter soon. >_<

Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Yes, not even in my dreams or wild imagination. I'm simply not awesome enough.

WARNING! Contains loads of scattered attempted crack, bad grammar and story format. This has not been Beta'ed. Shonen-Ai, Intentional OOC-ness and other crazy/stupid unthinkable things. Read at your own risk! You have been warned. Now then, please enjoy the story~! ^_^

“One Grande Caramel Machiato.” A young man softly called out without looking at the drink that he just handed out at the other side of the bar.

“Thank you.” A velvety voice answered while taking the steaming cup of coffee on top of the pristine oak bar surface.

The young man who made the hot beverage quickly looked up from what he's currently doing. Huge Caramel orbs stared into heterochromia eyes. A mischievous smile appeared on the customer's face.

“Fine weather that we're having today isn't it, Tsunayoshi-kun?”

“...Yes, you're right, Mukuro-san.” Came the hesitant reply of the more-than-uncomfortable Barista. “Not to be rude or anything... What are you doing here, Mukuro-san?”

“Oya, oya. Shouldn't it be obvious? I'm here to buy some coffee of course! What else does one do in a coffee shop?” Mukuro replied while leaning on to the bar, looking down on the smaller boy across from him while taking a sip of his steaming drink.

Tsunayoshi quickly resisted the urge to smash his own head on the work counter. That answer was most definitely a lie. This fact is obvious enough if one knows about the person that is Rokudo Mukuro.

“Well, there is another thing...” Mukuro continued while swishing the contents of his cup in a lazy manner. His gaze drifted away from the person across of him. “I was just thinking that since the weather's so great, maybe you can go and have dinner with me? Maybe go on a walk after that? Oh, and if you're worried about your figure, fear not! After walking, we can rest in my wonderful penthouse and then partake in a little Sexercise or two... Or three if you're up for it? That will surely burn all the calories that you'll gain from the dinner!” Mukuro exclaimed while smirking like a deprived rapist to the stunned brunet. This time, Tsuna didn't hold himself back. Surface, meet Tsuna's forehead. Tsuna's forehead, meet the cold, hard surface.

A brief explanation should be in order, yes? Now then, why don't I start by introducing the two main characters in this (would most probably be very odd) story.

Sawada Tsunayoshi is the first in the list. He is the main heroine-ahem, my bad. I meant the main hero in this story. Then again, this is not a tale about action or adventure so this status is probably void. Anyway, moving on. Sawada Tsunayoshi, also known as Dame-Tsuna but prefers to be called Tsuna, is a slightly less-than-average eighteen years old university student. As his 'nickname' implies, Tsuna is a very No-Good person. Weak, clumsy, cowardly, a bit stupid and with no self-esteem, he believes that he is worthy of his title even if he's not fond of it. How he managed to pass high school and even more, be accepted in a University is one of the mysteries in the average city that is Nanimori.

He works part-time in a quite fancy coffee house called Stardollars. Yes, you read that right, Stardollars. Laugh all you want now, you won't think that the name's very stupid after you've tasted their coffee or their cakes and pastries. They are simply heavenly, to die for. Even better than that over-priced place called Starbucks! Ahem, moving on again. How he got accepted to work in Stardollars is another big mystery in Nanimori. It's an odd city, leave it be. This young man is unfortunately (he feels) at the receiving end of affection (teasing, he believes) from a very eccentric and persistent pineap-cough-being that is known as Rokudo Mukuro.

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