Adonis meets Merlin. Sort of.

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Once upon a time, a long long time ago, before you were even born there lived a proud tiger who ruled the jungle. His name was Adonis. Greek for handsome. And he was!

Adonis knew he was handsome and he flaunted it wherever he could, to get mates etc... But let's remember that this was so long ago that Tigers didn't have stripes, meaning Adonis glowed a pure orange/gold that attracted anything that saw him. Now everyone knew he was King of the Jungle and no one dared to argue with him, because, well let's just say you don't want to get on the wrong side of Adonis. 

But in the corner of the jungle where the grass was lush, and the tree's so tall they grew to the sky, lived a very opinionated parakeet by the name of Merlin. Merlin lived high up in a walnut tree with all the walnuts for Africa! Now Merlin was a very content parakeet until Adonis came along. Adonis knew that Merlin lived up in the walnut tree and this annoyed Adonis because he had to climb up to talk to Merlin. (Adonis liked to talk to every animal in his Jungle often but disliked climbing trees). 

"Hey Merlin, how are you?" called Adonis up the tree. "Hmmm? Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine, what do you want?" squawked Merlin. Adonis climbed onto the lowest branch of Merlin's tree with some difficulty. Adonis puffed out his chest, "I, Adonis, King of the jungle, order you, Merlin. To live somewhere else, you are forbidden to live in this tree!" 

"Hahahahahahahaha!" An indignant cackled came from high in the tree, "As if!"   Adonis was appalled! "I mean it, Merlin, come down here now or I'll send my leopards up to get you." Two large spotted leopards leapt into the tree and licked their lips hungrily. "Oh my, you're even more stupid than I imagined Adonis, I'm a bird, I can fly duh" screeched Merlin.  This infuriated Adonis even more and with a roar he leapt up higher into the tree. "Merlin my man, you have infuriated me!" Adonis roared. Now usually when Adonis says this to anyone, they obey him. But not Merlin, Merlin wasn't gonna be kicked out of his tree that easy! Adonis bounded in strides up the tree until he reached the top, the branches shook with his weight but did not collapse, for they too were scared of Adonis. "You're late" yawned Merlin, "And a very slow climber". Adonis pounced at Marlin but all he got was a scarlet feather, Merlin was hovering above Adonis. Merlin descended back onto the branch cautiously. "I didn't think you were that smart little birdy" Adonis snarled, "Guess I'll have to do this the hard way then".

Adonis swished his tail and on his command, an emerald snake dropped down beside Merlin with a hiss and wound around his lower body. Merlin squawked and tried to break free but the emerald tree boa snake held him tighter. "Good work Gwendolin" grinned Adonis. "Anything to please you my lord...." hissed Gwendolin, still wrapping tighter around Merlin. She slithered forward to whisper something in Adonis's ear. That was all the release Merlin needed. Merlin bent down and with every bit of strength, he had he bit down on Gwendolin's tail. Gwendolin shipped around in surprise but Merlin was already hovering in the sky. "You FOOL!" Adonis cursed the snake and swiped her off the tree with his paw. "Forgive meeeeeee" Gwendolin hissed as she was thrown  through the air.

Meanwhile Merlin had flown as fast as his crushed wing could take him, out of Adonis's territory and to his families tree.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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