Chapter 25: Fishing Braggin

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As the days went by everyone seemed to be getting closer to each other learning more about each other from abby's lust for adventure to Seb's feelings of leaving town. Everyone was changing Alex wasn't the big muscle headed guy people thought he was as Haley truly began to see things in a different perspective.

As for Clint he had found his courage to be the man he wanted to be for the woman he's loved and Emily being with Clint and feeling accepted and not always feeling she was the odd one out of the group really showed her what the true meaning of being yourself was.

Maru and Harvey were in the midst of planning their wedding as it so happened to be in this season while Penny and Sam spent more and more time together expanding their ideas on teaching the next generation.

Shane and Lucy had spent most of the end of fall finishing up a small little cottage near Marine's while Lucy made sure to keep Shane's demons in check. As for Elliot he had finally had a break through in his writing now that his muse was here and living with him. Mary as well found something meaningful to her in the form of everlasting friendship.

Who would of thought winter would bring out the best in people and as for Marcus he had finished up most of the bundle's save one that awaited spring to come. Yet it was odd no one had heard or seen Morris or any of the Jojamart cronies which didn't sit right with Pierre.

The festival of ice had finally come and rumor had it that a grand prize was to be won for the best fisher which had all the guys going. Despite winning the prize bragging rights were also to be won which was normal for most guys at least for this bunch.

"Dude I'm totally going to win the fishing contest." Sam said as the guys started to walk down to the frozen lake. "Bruh. In your dreams." Shane said with a grin while the others hid a laugh or two. "Now now come on guys its not about winning but the fun we have." Harvey had said always being timid when it came to these things. "Meh I don't see the point in doing such a thing. Its a waste of time." Seb said yet secretly he wanted to be number one it would seem Abby had influenced him to be a bit more bolder even though he didn't show it. "I've been working on my arms for most of this year so these fish won't even have a chance to fight back." Alex was saying while flexing his arm while Elliot, Clint and Marcus slowly distanced themselves from the rest in attempt to save themselves from the bragging.

"The contest hasn't even started yet and those guys are already bragging" Clint said with his hands behind his head. "Agreed I personally would rather right an epic poem on this as the battle of wits over fish began." Marcus laughed at Clint and Elliot's comments. "personally I'm just looking forward to having fun today then again bragging rights would be nice since I want to impress a certain someone." Oh boy that was the one thing not to mention as all the guys had heard that which made this even more important to win then some bragging rights. Yup the old show off to impress gig as it would seem.

The girls were all talking while looking at the snow sculpture's and bits and bobs people had brought out. "I can't wait. Harvey has already set things up for the wedding." Maru said in pure bliss. "Marriage is so old fashioned Seb and me see that we don't need some piece of paper to be together." Abby had said being the rebellious type to forgo traditional values.  "Personally I'm just happy with the way things are. I know Shane has a good heart I well just oh alright I wish Shane would ask me to marry him !" Lucy said in a raging fit feeling it wasn't fair for her to not be engaged. "Oh please like Alex hasn't asked me yet so get over it drama queen." Haley said trying to push Lucy's buttons. Since Lucy had came to town it seemed Haley and her had developed quiet a rivalry between the two of them. "Now now girls lets not get into a fight over these things. I mean come on we all should just be happy we have the guys we love in our lives." Being one to always point out the obvious with what Penny said. "True but you know we can all agree on though is praying that our guys down embarrass us during the fishing competition." Leah stated as they all laughed in agreement.

Now it was time the great fish off and to see who would be the champion and claim their bragging rights and hopefully impress their loves.

"Alright ! Welcome to the festival of ice's annual fishing tournament remember the one who catch's the most will be the victor." Lewis said as everyone readied their fishing polls. "Begins !" He shouted as everyone released their lines into the icy cold water.

The first bit went to Alex who quickly jerked up sending the fish flying right into his face knocking him down on his back. "Gah !" he said before putting the fish into the basket. Next up it was Seb who perfectly aced his first catch right in his basket. Marcus had hooked one but the second one had gotten away while everyone else had caught a few more.

As for Sam he used what he thought would lure to fish to him by singing fish songs. Apparently it was working as he was leading the rest in catches. Poor old Clint was having a whale of a time just trying to catch his third. Apparently this fish was pretty clever getting away with the bait each time he cast.

Elliot was thinking of someway to memorialize this event in words and not paying attention to his line at least until it pulled hard enough to pull him in. A loud splash was heard before Elliot crawled out shivering. "Forgo this ! I'm a writer not a competitor" With that he forfeited and headed over to the nearest  fire to warm up while Mary got a change of extra clothes for him.

It was down to the wire now who would win ! Who who indeed ! The buzzer went off and everyone stopped. Lewis began to start his count as the guys waited excitement in their eyes.

"Well It was a close one this year but our winner is Shane !" All the guys looked over at Shane who had one hand in his pocket and his other holding a can of joja cola. "What ?" he said as defeat set in. "Well so much for our bragging rights." Sam said as he sat down on the ice. "Ah well we can try again next year." Marcus stated bring spirits back up as the guys got pumped. "Right ! I'm going to have to work on my fishing skills and make it into a exercise routine to keep my arms and legs in check !" Alex said while the guys all agreed that they would have a rematch next time.

"Marcus ! You did great !" Leah said as she jumped into his arms laughing. "That's my Alex always proving to me he has strength." Haley said wrapping her arms around him. "Good try dear but lets sit you down before you fall down." Maru said while helping Harvey over to a bench. Poor guy he wasn't the best in shape. Lucy just stared at Shane then grinned "Alright since you won. We can enjoy a pack of beer tonight." Shane just grinned back. "Its a date" he said as Lucy leaned into him. "My dear have you fund your epic poem to remember this day by?" Mary asked sarcastically as she placed a blanket over him. " Of course ! It shall be called ! On thin ice ! The day I learned that fishing is overrated !" he said before they both started to laugh. "Your voice did wonders I'm impressed. Can you do the same with me?" Penny said cuddling into Sam. "I dunno but we can try babe." he replied. Emily placed a hand on Clint's shoulder. "You did your best that's all I can ask." She said before giving him a kiss om the cheek. "After all you're better at what your gifted with such as your hammering skills on hot molten metal." Clint tried not to laugh but Emily always was able to make him smile.

So came the reward Shane was given a new fishing rod and two free fish dinners at the saloon. Well that was how do we say some reward.

Yet now Morris appeared holding  papers in hand as he smiled "Come one come all Seventy-five percent off with each new member who signs up for a membership." Marcus smiled changed a frown followed by some anger seeing most of the villagers save the younger group head off to sign up.

"Dude that was a low blow." Sam said as the other nodded. "I know we have to figure a way to get Joja out of our town." Marcus replied. "Well lets not worry about that tonight I say we go enjoy some time down at the saloon." Harvey said as everyone agreed.

Tonight they would party celebrating Shane's victory yet though it seemed everyone was having fun Leah and Marcus were in deep thought looking at each other. "If everyone buys a membership Morris will have the support he needs to take the community center's land away and find a way to close down our farm." Leah said as Marcus rested his chin upon his hands. "At least all of us are Anti - Joja." He said looking at their friends. "But for how long ?" She replied. Things didn't look good at all and that fear of Jojamart winning and destroying what they had all worked hard to get was bitter sweet. Yet they had time and first and foremost they all had to prepare for a wedding.

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