Chapter 1

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Piper's POV

Do I like my best friend?

I collapse on my bed. Ugh, a simple yes-or-no question and I can't even answer it. I sigh with frustration and run my hand through my thick, dark brown hair.

Why can't I answer this simple question? Do I have feelings for my best friend or not?

Then, I snap out of my thoughts when I hear my mom yell, "PIPER, IT'S ALMOST 8:15! HURRY UP!" I sigh.
"Okay, okay, I'm coming." I grab my backpack and run down the stairs. Then run to the garage.


"Bye Mom."

"Bye Piper. Be good."

"Okay Mom. Bye." I close the car door and walk towards my new school. As soon as I walk in, I see my pale, Mexican best friend sitting by herself, waiting. I walk towards her, and she immediately sees me and waves at me.

"Hi Piper." She says.

"Hi Sarah." I reply.

"How was your summer?"


"What'd you do all summer?"

Have an internal war with myself on whether I like my best friend or not. "Eh, nothing special. How about you?"

"Babysit my bro because you know, my mom and dad had work."

"Sounds like someone had a fun summer." I say sarcastically.

She rolls her eyes. "You're so sarcastic, Piper."

"I know, but you love me anyway." I smile.

"Of course I do." She rolls her eyes again. Then punches my arm.

"Ow. What the heck?" I rub my arm. Then I look up and I see Sarah smirking, while looking at someone or something behind me. Oh no, I thought.

"I'll leave you two alone." She whispers and gets up from her seat.

"I don't like him, Sar. You know that." I say.

"Sure you don't." She says sarcastically as she gathers her things. I roll my eyes.

"I don't like him."

"Fine. Whatever you say Pipes. I'm still going to leave you two alone." She replies and walks away.

"Hey guys." A voice behind me says. Oh no, I thought, he's here. I turn around and see my other best friend/the person I may or may not have feelings for, a somewhat short guy with dark hair and beautiful brown eyes, walking towards us.

"Hey Trevor." I say as we do our handshake. He sees Sarah walking away going only-God-knows where.

"Where is she going?" He asks.

"No idea."

"Okay. Hey, are you ready to start freshman year?" He asks.

"Nope. Are you?"

"Same. Can I see your schedule?"

"Sure." I hand him my schedule.

"Yay. I have bio, AP Human Geography, Spanish, DGA, and Geometry with you."

"Wait, really?" I look at his schedule:

A day
AP human geography
Pre-AP Spanish II
Theatre Arts I
Pre-AP English I

B day
Pre-AP Computer Science
Pre-AP Geometry
Pre-AP Biology
Digital Graphics and Animation

Then mine,

A day
AP Human Geography
Pre-AP Spanish II
English I

B day
Pre-AP Geometry
Pre-AP Biology
Digital Graphics and Animation

Dang it. We do have those classes together. Crap. What if I stare at him during class and he sees me? I mentally slap myself. YOU DON'T HAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM REMEMBER?

We hear the 10-minute warning bell ring. "We better get to class, Trev."

"Okay, let's go." He says as we both start to walking to class.

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