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Thanks to stress, pink eye, and just all around a bitchy and pitiful attitude, I now present my latest story, which is most likely a very depressing story. sorry.

the song i listened to, whilst writing this is in the sidebar.

  ~ Gabbitha

 Note: This chapter is not edited.

Another Note: I've decided I won't finish this. And just make it a short story. I don't feel like writing another chapter, so this is all that's going to be of this. Mhm.



 Katie whimpered, trying to get away from the sadistic and horrid man. He just laughed, not a cheerful laugh, but a very dark, sinister laugh that erose from his bosom, sending chills down anyone who heard it. He had a large, twisted smile on his face, one that resembled an almost cheshire-cat like aspect. He was very tall, and had a tongue like a snake, it almost seemed to have a mind of it's own, flicking in and out of his black lips with a very fast motion.

 But his eyes. Oh his eyes. They were the most frightening thing about him. They were coals of nothing, pitch black that seemed to look right through you. They were wise looking, and frightening. A fear that, made your blood run cold.

 He took a step forward, causing Katie to whimper again. "Stop!" she screamed, "Please! Just leave me alone! I hate you, I want nothing to do with you! You evil man stop doing this to me!" he only laughed again, causing more tears to spill from her eyes.

 "Oh dear Katie." he said, his voice cold and detached. His lips never moved, that slithering tongue still flicking about. "You don't understand, you're mine now. You always will be. I'm much too powerful and you're but a weak, pathetic little girl." he took one more step and she cried out, "My brother will save me! He always has, and he always will!" she yelled, though her voice was starting to crack. Her voice ached and all she wanted was sleep.

 The dark man laughed once more, except this one was different. It was cocky and arrogant, something that made Katie freeze with fear. "But Katie, I already have your brother. In fact, he's right here." he said, waving his hand.

 Out from the shadows came Katie's brother. His eyes were cold, and he had a blank expression on his face. He looked dead, he had to be. His skin was almost blue, nearly transparent. Thin veins snaked up his arm and all over his body. Katie's sobs became louder and sounded more defeated, "Kendal!" she screeched, "You killed him, you killed my Kendal!"

 With one swift motion, Katie stood up, running towards the evil figure. "I hope you burn in hell! You son of a bitch! What did you do to him!" she screamed. Suddenly her legs felt like jello, like they could barely hold up her small frame.

 Everything seemed to slow down, and her breath caught. The man pulled out a long sword from the ebony shadows, before stabbing it right through her brother. Katie halted in her running motion, standing right in front of her brother. Her eyes shook and widened in horror as black blood seeped through his shirt, covering his chest.

 The man laughed, and it echoed through out the never ending space around them. Katie felt a lump in her throat, and she fell to her knees, tears falling faster than ever. She coughed into her hands, trying to get that lump out. But the only thing that came up was bright red blood, staining her pale palms.

 She put her hands on the ground, dry heaving. There was no sound, as if someone had hit the mute button. In a defeated motion, she stood up. Her body was shaking, and she was sweating cold sweat. She tried to make an attempt to talk, but her voice made no sound, leaving her gaping at the dark figure.

 The man smiled and even bigger cheshire smile, waving at her as if saying goodbye.

 In a wave of fatigue, Katie's eyes drooped and she fell over, the sickening crack of her head making contact with the foor being the last sound heard.

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