day 1

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I went to school like my hair flying all over because that's how I look and you all must be thinking that I aam very lazy yup so sure lazy I step into the classroom and saw like a bunch of. Boys in the classroom I was like gosh!  No girls at all and I was thinking that the girls haven't arrived yet but my thinking was half correct and half  wrong there's ONLY like 5-6 girls . The bell went off at 9.20am so I ran down guess what all the boys are taking up the spaces to like talk about Pokemon so I decided to join them in playing those toys of Pokemon after breaktime. I met my new teacher he is called Mr Ng so he thought is untill we had a playtime in class I went to somewhere and a person called Faith came shook hands with me and I had a new friend. To be continued....
Reflection :accually Mr ng is quite a good teacher though I liked him cause he let us play in class and when he teaches us he put in like a story and teach us like the maths story

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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