Chapter 1: Caught in the act.

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 Chapter 1:  

I tried to keep an even steady pace. I wanted him to think that I was unaware of his presence, but I knew he was there in the shadows watching my every move. I turned the corner and saw the old theater that made up the bottom half of my apartment. I was almost there. As long as I made it back I could get my weapons and be ready for when he chose to attack. He probably thought I was going to be home alone and defenseless but I was gonna show him just how wrong he could be.  I didn't think I would need my gun just to walk over to Sal's gym and back. Not that I really needed a gun; I had a few special abilities to hold my own but I just liked to feel the cold metal in my hand. I sped up and crossed the street continuing the few paces down the sidewalk toward the stairs that went up the side of the red brick building. Climbing up I finally reached the door of my apartment. Sticking my hand into the back pocket of my jeans I took out the key and unlocked the door.   Walking inside I ran past the living room, kitchen, and down the hallway. I made my way into my room. The walls were cream colored with gold trim. Backed against a wall in the middle of the room was a mahogony four poster bed with a black, red, and gold pin striped comforter. Beside the bed was a matching dresser. On the left was a walk in closet.   Pulling aside one of the red bed curtains I stood on the bed. Stretching my arms up I felt for the button to push that would reveal a hidden cubby hole just big enough for my Taurus PT 92 semi automatic pistol (that I named Betty) and my combat knife. I stuck my hands inside pulling them both out. I straped the knife to my thigh and kept the gun in my hands as I checked every room taking my time to make sure no one else was inside.   I already knew of the one man following me but that didn't mean someone else wasn't ahead of the game.   I looked around my bathroom. Everything was normal; from the light blue tile, to the seashell covered shower curtain. Pushing aside the curtain I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, as I looked at my intruderless shower. I turned and took careful steps down the hallway. Entering the part kitchen/ part living room. There was no where to hide in the kitchen. It was too small. The kitchen was made up of a stove, fridge, round table with matching chairs, a couple of shelves, and a microwave. Same for the living room. Nothing to hide behind in there either. Unless someone wanted to crouch down behind the tan leather sofa, or perhaps they felt like crawling under the coffee table. I laughed inwardly. I was safe and secure inside my home.   I headed back to the bathroom locking the door behind me. I took off my clothes, put my gun on the back of the toilet, and straped the knife back onto my thigh.  

I was on my way back home from my pal Salvatores when I noticed the man following me. Which came as no shock. I was used to it by now. I've been hunted for 7 years from the things that go bump in the night. My family come from a long line of Keevnoeruh. Otherwise know as Guardian's. We were given powers to protect our world from all that's evil. (yeah I know it sounds like something out of a cheesy sci FY show, but hey it's my life! But wait! Theres more!   The Fey helped create dimensions and worlds. Our world. They are how the legends of angels and magical folk came to be. The leaders of this race were Alastríona and Dubhán. After having helped to create our world Dubhán was sickened by what he saw, He thought humans were disgusting, and ignorant, not worthy of their time, and attention. Alastríona on the other hand loved the people. She saw our simple mindedness something to be coveted. He saw how much Alastríona cared for the humans and seeing that his beloved cared for these ignorant, fragile beings more than he. He left vowing he would dedicate himself to causing the destruction of mankind and the world.   Once things are made they cannot simply be unmade. So, Dubhán took the Fey that felt the same as he about the humans and left to make his own court. What he lacked in numbers he made up by creating more dark fey. That's how the Seelie and Unseelie courts were formed.   Worried for humanities safety Alastríona anointed different families with powers creating the Keevnoeruh. From these powers were born a sub race of fey. There are werewolves, tigers, panthers, and many others. We have seers, telepath's, physic's, teleporter's, and people who can shoot lasers out of their eyes. Some who are more powerful than others get more than one power. There are many other Keevnoeruh with different gifts but that was just to name a few. The difference between us, and the higher up fey is that they are immortal, and we just heal fast, though we can still live for a very long time we are not immune to death.   That and they have the power of creation.   The same goes for the dark fey made by Dubhán. The original fey that took his side are immortal, but the fey that were made after can be killed, albeit with some difficulties.   I grew up your everyday average girl. My dad taught me martial arts. I learned how to shoot a gun by the age of 10 and when I hit puberty I Inherited my powers. The age varies for each person but I was 13 when I got mine. From there I was taught to control them and continued to train in combat.   When I was 18 Strigoi tore through my town trying to wipe out my kind. My family were caught unaware. My father while protecting my sister tried to fend them off but his power was shapshifitng and it wasn't so easy to decapitate them with his jaws alone. Strigoi are better know as vampires to humans. They are completely different from the stories and movies you have heard and seen. They do not sparkle, they are not tormented, and looking for someone to save their soul, they are not handsome, rich, or alluring. Their eyes are black pits set in sallow faces that suck out your soul as their razor blade teeth rip apart flesh and bone. The only way to kill them is decapitation, fire, stabbing them in the heart, or dragging them out into sunlight. There are all kinds of dark beings made by the King. Some of them are the ones you think you've heard of as a child, but I promise you they are nothing at all like the stories you've heard.   After I lost my family I found out my father's parents used to own an old movie theater and that he had inherited it. So, it got passed on to me. As soon as I found out there was an apartment above it I moved right in and Ive been living here ever since. I used money my dad left for me to get the theater up and running again. That's how I make a living. Well, that's my cover anyway. Mainly I kill monsters.  

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