Cows Drink Grass

24 1 0

It's been a long....





Anyway, story time!

I was sittin' in class, talking to Frosty (the great lord herself) and I decided to try a riddle on her. It was one of those riddles where you would constantly repeat a word or a be of similar words and then trick the victim into saying something stupid. The particular one I was using went something like this;

What color is your shirt?

What is the opposite of black?

What are the color of your mints?

All of the questions above had the answer of 'white'. Thus, that's how Frosty answered them. Finally, I asked the question that was supposed to trick her up;

What do cows drink?

Within seconds Frosty answered, but not with either answers I was expecting. She said 'grass'. I burst out laughing (ignoring the stares from the other people in the class), and probably went on like that for a good minute. 

So yeah.

Cows drink grass apparently.

Btw, she was supposed to either answer 'milk' (the stupid answer) or 'water' (the correct answer'.

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