Reset; Saeyoung Choi

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"Seven, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" MC asked with worried eyes. He couldn't bring himself to look into them, knowing what was about to become of their relationship. His throat turned dry as he choked out the words,

"Check your phone."

With a confused state of mind, MC turned her gaze away from Seven and towards her phone. She unlocked the device and was puzzled by the words that flashed on the screen before her.

Good Ending.

"Ending? Babe, what does this mean?" She asked and showed him the screen. Of course, Seven already knew what those two words meant. They meant the end of his little infinity with MC. Now that he had seen the words for himself, the realization kicked in a thousand times harder than before. She was going to vanish and there was nothing he could do about it. He knew he'd see her again, but their feelings wouldn't be mutual. She wouldn't love him anymore. She would think of him as no more than seven zero seven, defender of justice. Just a member of the RFA. A friend.

"It means we're at the end of our story. It means you're going to forget you ever knew me, let alone loved me." He said, his tone melancholic. MC stared back in disbelief. She didn't want to forget any of the fun times they spent together, or the memories they made. She stumbled backwards whilst trying to process what Seven had said.

"Forget you? I could never. I promise you, I will never forget you. My heart won't allow it." MC replied. She felt tears forming in her eyes.  She wanted to deny what he was saying, but MC knew that Seven could never lie to her. He was wrong about one thing, though. She would never forget the way she felt towards him. That much was certain.

"MC...Don't make a promise if you're not sure you can keep it. It's only going to give me a false sense of hope. Please, don't make this harder for me than it already is." Seven croaked, the tears flowing freely. MC looked hurt at his words.

"Don't make this harder for you? What about me? I've just been told that I'm going to forget the love of my life completely! Don't you think that'll have an effect on me?!" She cried. Seven began to laugh sadistically.

"That's the beauty of it. You'll reset and forget us completely, so of course it won't have an effect on you. You've got it easy. Meanwhile, I'll have to live with the unbearable pain of being able to see you and talk to you. The pain of seeing you fall in love with someone else in the RFA, but never again with me. I'll never be able to kiss you or call you mine again. And that? That hurts. It hurts so much because I love you so. I really thought we could've grown old together. How stupid was I?" Seven's mind collapsed, "Now do you see why this is so hard for me? I'm trapped, cursed even."

"Oh, Saeyoung... I'm sorry for being so selfish. You're not stupid at all. In fact, you're far from it. You're the smartest guy I know and I'm so lucky to have had this wonderful chance to be with you. Our relationship truly has been the best thing to have ever happened to me. I love you. Thank you for everything." MC kissed Seven passionately and it felt like she was falling for him all over again. She knew it would be the last time their lips connected. All they could taste was the others sadness and tears. After indulging in each other's sweetness one more time, they pulled themselves apart and embraced one another. The mood, if only for a short moment, was tranquil.

"You know I love it when you call me that." He placed a quick kiss on her forehead. MC began to look...translucent. Seven hoped that his eyes were playing tricks on him, but no; it was time.

"Saeyoung... what's happening? You said I'd forget, but you didn't tell me I'd disappear too!" MC panicked and looked down at her hands; she was fading away. MC felt an overwhelming sadness wash over her. She wanted longer with Saeyoung.

"This is what I meant when I said you were going to reset...Forgive me if I wasn't clear enough." He chuckled heavy-heartedly. It seemed to be contagious as MC began to chuckle hysterically.

"How is this supposed to be a good ending? I feel nothing but sorrow!" She laughed with tears rolling down her now-disappearing face.

"I have no idea, it seems like a pretty shitty one to me. Maybe we can get married at a space station in the next life, eh?" Seven smiled through his raging sadness.

"I'll get married anywhere as long as it's to you. I love you. To the moon and back, around the stars, out of our galaxy, through the comets and the rings of the most beautiful planets. I'll love you no matter how much my heart may desire someone else after I disappear. It's always going to be you. Remember that." MC reached out to caress Seven's cheek one last time. He closed his eyes and felt her warm touch.

"How could I forget?" He sighed and opened his eyes.

"...MC?" He attempted to shout but his voice was barely audible. She was gone.

Reset - Saeyoung ChoiWhere stories live. Discover now