※Part 1 : I Met You※

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"I'm sorry Saeron, let's breakup." he
said while looking down.
"Wae?" I asked, raising my voice.
"We just aren't working out." He said still looking down. My eyes got watery.
"We keep on fighting over little things and I found someone that might be better than you. I'm sorry." The tears finally started to fall.

I decided not to say anymore and ran out slamming the door as I went. I ran out of the house not caring about anything or anyone. I kept on running as my tears started to fall like crazy. It felt like the whole world was falling apart right in front of me. I decided to
call Jangmi, my best friend.

BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. Your message has b—

I hanged up. "Aishhh this girl." I decided to roam around and trying to forget the breakup. I starting to zone out as I walked and accidentally bump into someone. I saw that coffee was all over his shirt and without looking up I
kept on apologizing and bowing.

"I'm sorry I just zoned out I'll pay for your shirt!" I finally looked up at him and he was so beautiful I don't think that even angels can make this beautiful living creature if it took a thousand years.

"It's okay, don't worry about it, your lucky it wasn't my favorite shirt." he chuckled.

'His smile, his laugh, his angelic voice... Am I dreaming?'

A/N: Hello! Thank you for reading this fan fiction! This is a very short chapter because I wanted the beginning to be a cliffhanger ヽ('▽`)/ I'm currently writing part 2, so I hope you
support me in my writing~~ Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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