
16 0 1

K. this is base on a true story about me friend she only 16 when this happen. hope you enjoy this.

Intro: hey I'm Savanna. Today is my 16th birthday, all of you might think is that birthday is the most happiest day in the whole year and all of you wish good thing we'll happen in the next year. Same with me I'm still have can wish like a tiny girl. But instant of what I wish for everything went wrong. Very very wrong. All of the bad dream come true all of the bad feeling was right. From now on I hate my life, I hate myself. I wish i can chafe it somehow but I can't. I tried and tried but nothing happen. why it just have to me who is taking all the pain...


Chapter one: Well, let me introduce myself: my name is savanna snow a crystal clear name, my fav season is summer so I can wear my jean short short and crop tops. I live in California USA and in the summer I used to go to Hawaii so I can lay on the beach and feel the sun shinning on me. I have a perfect blond hair, shinny long nails and a perfect body shape, well other people think that but.... oh well....


"There only three week left till my brith day." I said to my BFF whose sitting on my bed painting her nail. She perfect: pretty smart skinny, I love her and she more like a sister to me now. " Oh ok. Can you like... umm .... STOP SAYING THAT." she yelled oh well I'm been saying that everyday in this week and last week and that week before that.......pretty much I'm been say it right after school end..."I'm sorry. I'm just too excited my dad promise me that he getting me a mini copper and getting me to the beach." I'm just too excited "oh really wait.. wait.... oh dam it I got nail polish on my finger.... Oh what about me can I come with you???" Lilly said oh btw Lilly is her name. "Kay. Let go ask him." we run downstairs and ask my dad actually we beg him to let Lilly come to the beach with me. ...... "please dad just let her come!!"we beg " ugh fine but just this once ok." " ok dad thank you.. thank you ... I love you dad .... and plus we just going to hang out a little..... bye dad." we didn't even wait till he said bye.

"Mmmm why don't we go buy new cloth for the beach." "yeah let's go to forever21 I want a lot of thing from there."

"Diing linnnng" my phone ring again it's my bf I been fighting with him for a while I actually think that we should break up now. I didn't answer it I don't want to ruin the good time I'm going to have with Lilly so yeah.


Two hours later:

"Wow we bought so much stuff." Lilly complain again "I know right oh yeah are you still Sleeping over." " I told you I'm staying for the whole summer break" " that well be awesome.... Wait my dad is calling."

Dad:hey my beautiful little girl.

Me:I'm not little anymore.

Dad:oh ok. but anyway I won't be home for the next 3 week but I promise you I'll pike you up on your birthday and go to Hawaii with your friend and your mom will be waiting there. ok

Me:ughh fine.. bye dad

Dad:bye love you see you in 3week.

<phone call ended>

"What did he say?" Lilly ask "my dad is not going to home till my birthday."i answer" " that awesome we can party every night" .....


We just got home from shopping and I am so tired I just want to go to sleep and that it.

"Knock knock knock" someone is knocking on the door. "Lilly can you go get it?" "On my way......savanna someone want to see you."


Ok guys this is the first chapter plz vote, comment, and share I know is kinda boring right now but wait until the next chapter everything will be a lot more worth to read for....💛💙💜💚❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2013 ⏰

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