Story Notes:
Allie has long blonde hair, a thin beach body (tan, lean, athletic, strong, semi-muscular, feminine, bikini ready body year round)
The story is set on the south east coast of Florida
Allie's house is right on the beach.
All of One Direction is in this story.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author (me) [this includes Allie, Megan, etc.]. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright is intended. Thanks.
Chapter 1
I kicked up the sand as I walked along the beach with the moon shining down on me. The soccer ball bounced against my ankle. As I bend down to pick it up, a deep voice catches my attention.
"Sorry about that. We didn't see you over here in the dark,"
I look up to where the silhouette is standing above me. "Oh, um, its totally fine... dont worry about it," I smiled.
"I know this sounds cheesy, but do you come here often?"
I chuckle at his comment as I continue walking in the direction the soccer ball came from. "Yeah, I actually live on this beach"
"No way," the mysterious figure gasps comically.
Laughing, I manage a reply: "Way,"
We walk in silence before we are only a few yards away from the massive bonfire built on the beach. "Well, I live up there in that house," he pointed behind him. "You're welcome to stay and play some football with me and the lads? Or if that doesn't sound appealing, we could watch a film?" he smiles at me, with the flames flashing across his face and his mess of curls becoming visible.
"Oh, I actually have to go home now... I still live with my parents. They're probably wondering where I am. Sorry,"
"It's okay. I'll see you tomorrow though... Earlier in the day though, I presume?"
I laugh. "You are quite the charmer, aren't you?"
"It's a reputation," he replies, smirking. We are only inches away now.
I stick out my hand in the small space between us. "Allie," I look up at him through my lashes.
"Harry," he says shaking my hand. He flicks his hair out of his face. "So, see you tomorrow? Say around noon? Just come up and knock and the door?"
"It's a date" I respond.
I lay in my bed, dreaming about that handsome boy I met on the beach. Harry. I love that name, my late grandfather's name. I look over to the clock, blinking 2 AM on the nightstand beside me. I've been up for hours, dreaming about him.
What does the right half of his face look like? That smile was gorgeous, so cheerful. His hair looked great. Swoon! How will I know its him? Wait. How will he know that its me? My mind races with a million questions. Wait, you dummy.You just have to go knock on his door. That's how he'll know... I don't know what the house looks like. Shit.
I get up and walk over the balcony that overlooks the beach and the waves. I smooth out my tank top and shorts and step out onto the wooden balcony. Leaning over the railing and peering down the beach, I just barely see the glowing embers of the fire still remaining. That's how I'll find it: burnt sand and wood. I guess the house wasn't as far as I thought.
With that, my mind finally settled and I crawled back in the window and plopped down on my bed, finally able to let sleep overcome me.
No Way Around This // ON HOLD
Fanfiction17 year old Allie Manning meets Harry Styles on the beach of her quiet hometown. Are they meant to be together? Can she handle the consequences the game will bring her? Will he be able to protect her? Only time will tell.