Romance In The Castle

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Prologue- Three years before.

The Spanish beauty stepped from the elaborately decorated carriage. Her light blonde hair lay straight down her back and her embrodied blue dress clung in all the right places. Her striking blue and green eyes were sparkling with interest in her new surroundings. Her tiny waist was covered by her umbrella which she held in front of her, and her fan was held delicately in her hand.

"Lady Rodriguez, welcome back to the French court. Your Father has been awaiting your arrival for some time now."

Riella Rodriguez smiled at the palace's head of guard, Henry. He has always had a spot in her heart and when she left, it pained her to leave him.

"Thank you Henry. It is good to see you."

"And as it is to me. We must hurry milady, the court is gathering and you are to attend."

Riella smiled and held out her hand, which Henry took and led her away.

"Please tell me Riella, how is Spain?"

"It is wonderful. The townspeople are awfully nice, and the streets are beautiful. I have to admit, though, France is lovelier. I missed it here."

Henry smiled. "France is your home country, but you are from a Spanish background. It is accepted you are to feel drawn to Spain, but also to France. So Spain is 'awfully pleasant'?"

Riella smiled. "Yes it is. How was France in my absence?"

"Awfully silent."

"Do not tease me Henry." Riella teased. "I sure you found another lady to look after." Henry laughed. He had missed Riella dearly, as she was like the younger sister he never had. She always managed to make him laugh, and had kept him company when his parents died.

"Of course not Lady Rodriguez." Henry teased her title.

"Oh not you to Henry. I positively hate that title! It makes me feel old!" Riella protested.

Henry chuckled. "Oh though Lady Rodriguez, you just are growing up. You are not old, you have a title because of your mothers passing."

"And so do you Henry. Or should I say, Sir Henry. You were knighted by the Queen for your bravery."

"Oh hush please."

Riella put on a faked expression of shock. "Did you just hush a Lady Henry? Well I cannot associate with you if you do not know proper manners." Riella lifted her skirts and started to walk faster.

"I'm am dreadfully sorry Lady Rodriguez. Would you accept my apology?"

"I am only accepting your apology because I have no idea where to go."

Henry laughed."We are here already. The meeting is held in always held in the throne room, of course. You cannot have forgotten your way around the castle already? Well, let us go in."

"Of course. Lead the way Sir Henry."

"As you wish, milady." Henry stepped in front of the beauty and opened the heavy wooden doors. There was a loud creak and the echoing voices from inside hushed. Henry stepped inside, and with a loud voice announced, "May I please present, Lady Riella Elizabeth Rodriguez, home from Spain at last."

There was a silence, where everyone took in the sight of Riella. She stood tall and proud, happy to be home at last. She loved Spain, but after four years of serving the Spanish Queen, all she wanted to do was to return home. And almost a week ago, her wish was granted, and she was summoned home.

The silence was broken when the Queen's flat voice spoke."Lady Rodriguez. Welcome back to the French court. I hope your stay at the Spain Courts were pleasant?"

Riella started to walk towards the Queen, watching everyone whisper. "It was the most pleasant, though I wished I was home, here in France. Spain could not ever compare to France."

The Queen smiled. "That is wonderful to hear. The Spanish air has made you even beautiful then before you left. You should be please." Riella smiled at the compliment.

"Thank you your majesty." Riella dipped into a small curtsy.

"Please rise Lady Rodriguez. I hope you were informed of your new position here. You will become my daughter, Princess Ella's new Lady in Waiting."

"Thank you for bestoying this honour upon me."

You are welcome. You may join your family. We are almost finished here today, so you may become re-acquainted with your family."

Riella bowed her head in thanks and walked over to her family. Her father took her hand and gave a slight squeeze. She looked his way, and smiled. She had missed her papa.

Riella looked away from her papa and studied the rest of the court. There features weren't as sharp as those of the Spanish court, though the French had there distinctive features such as their dark green and brown eyes, or there dark hair. Though some did have lighter hair or brighter eyes.

Riella's eyes swept over four children, the oldest around Riella's age. He caught her eyes and smiled. Riella blushed and looked away. When she looked back, his smiled had vanished and he was studying her.

Riella was puzzled. No boy had ever taken an interest in her. Other then Henry, but he was just a friend.

"And this concludes this week's meeting. You are all dismissed, and I wish Lady Rodriguez a happy home coming." The Queen nodded her head, and left, leaving everyone to themselves.

"Oh Riella. I have missed you so much!" Lady Triella squeaked, embracing her sister.

"Well hello Lady Rodriguez. It has been some time." Her brother Lord Peter teased.

Riella smiled. She had missed her siblings, the times they played in the palace gardens together. Though that was four years before, and now that Riella was fifteen and the Lady of her family, it time for her to grow up.

"Riella my beautiful daughter. It was been four long years. I am so sorry for sending you away at such a tender age of eleven. Especially since your mother's death. But I had made a promise that I could not break. I hope you can forgive me."

"Papa, I've missed you. And of course I forgive you. There was nothing to forgive anyhow. I enjoyed my time in Spain." She hugged her papa and turned to her siblings. "I've missed you all."

Riella looked over to the crowd of people filing out of the throne room. The boy she saw looking at her before caught her eye again and winked. Triella noticed and giggled.

"It seems you have caught the eye of the very charming and handsome Prince Aaron." Riella was shocked.

Prince Aaron? Why, the last she'd seen him; he was a scrawny boy riding horses with an over bite. When his late father was alive. Now, with his light brown hair, bluish grey eyes and filled out body, he was a handsome man. It was a wonder he didn't have a lady on his arm.

"Your staring Riella." Peter teased. Riella blushed and looked away.

"I was not." Riella laughed.

"Excuse me, but I noticed you are new to the court. My name is Prince Aaron, and I would like to have the honour of showing you around the court." Riella turned around, greeted by the smiling Prince.

Riella curtsyed, bowing her head. "Thank you for asking. I'd be delighted to." The Prince's eyes lit up.

"The pleasure is all mine, Lady Rodriguez." The prince took her gloved hand, kissing it gently. "Please, follow me."

Riella smiled, turning back to her family and bowing her head. "I shall see you all soon." Her family smiled, Triella giving her sister the 'look', before turning away.

"Please, call me Riella. And thank you for accompanying me, your highness." The Riella took the smiling Prince's arm.

"Please, call me Aaron..."

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