Chapter 13

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I sit on the steps of the stairs my head in my hand. The tears slowly drop when I blink. I sniff and wipe my eyes but it keeps falling.
"Your so stupid Ella, dad was right, your worthless, how could you begin to think he even liked you for a second?" I whisper to myself as I cry into my hand.
I start to hear a hubbub coming closer,  I rapidly wipe my face and eyes with my sleeve.
I stand up and come face to face with him, Jason.

"Oh Jason, hi," I quickly say, he frowns and looks at my face,
"You alright? You look...well um," he grins and rubs his chin,
"Like you've just came out of hell," he laughs finding his joke funny.
I give him a fake laugh back.
Trust me, or entered hell a long time ago, and I'm still not even out of it. The thought makes me nearly choke out another sob. But I bite my lip hard.
"Y-yeah, I-I know, excuse me, I-I err....g-gotta go clean up," my voice breaks, I walk past him. Breaking out into tears as I do. I grip my waist and keep my head down, biting my lip wiping my cheeks.
I make my way to bathroom, peaking in to see if Katrina is around, I go when the coast is clear.
I ignore the stares and spiteful comments,
'Did you hear she got beat up?'
'She looks like shit, lol'
'Katrina must've beaten her ass up so hard, sad we missed it,'
I use a tissue and wipe the blood then my face. Hissing at the pain when I do.
After cleaning my self up I grab my backpack and go back outside the exit way.
I sit down in my new hiding/den, munching on my oat bar.
I lose my appetite so i wrap it back up and shove it into my bag.
My eyes sting after crying so much.

Time skip
I succeeded in skipping all my lessons. I'm sure I got a cold. I get up and make my way to the front of school half an hour after everyone else, so I don't get beat up...again.
My hair is no longer in a bun, its all in a tangled loose mess.
I arrive home and open the door with my spare lock.
I peak in and close the door behind me.
I suddenly come to a surprising halt when I come face to face with a middle aged slutty dressed women. Bleached sun kissed hair, fake eyelashes, the obvious plastic surgery nose and face lines, crimson lips and a mean facial expression.
"What are you doing home?" She spits at me,
"I live here," I say back she growls and soon her hand comes int contact with my cheek,
"Don't give me attitude little brat! You answer to me now! Follow my orders and here's what we are going to do," she pulls and twists my arm, making me squeal, throws me into my room,
"Clean out all your shit! I've sorted some crap to throw away, your dad and I are moving in his room and you'll sleep in the kitchen, if it was up to me, you'd be outside! Clean this up, now that I'm living here things will go my way!" she snorts with laughter and slams the door making me jump. I hold the burn on my cheek and my eyes scans across to a pile of scraps and cut up clothes . When I realise what it is I run to it and kneel down.
"Moms stuff?" I let out a cry and hold the cut up dresses she ruined, torn clothes, and two smashed picture frames, she even trashed her Turkish trinket box. She messed my whole room up. Bedding  was thrown out, my mattress was messily thrown to the side and she put her things to the side. I got up and went out to check where dad was.
"Dad?" I stop when I see him kissing and making out with Cruella Devil in the kitchen.
He stops and scowls at me,
"I told you to clean your room you little shit!" She lifts her legs from around his waist.
"I-i don't understand?" I croak nearly crying again.
He sighs and looks at her, she scoffs.
"Serena is moving in with us, she's my girlfriend, so get used to it!" He shouts and gets back to kissing her I front of me. She stops and looks at me,
"Fuck off and stop staring or you'll get fifty slaps from me, now piss off!" She kicks the door with her leg, Dad running his hands all over her.
It makes me sick to my stomach!

I decide to go out for a bit so I put on my black hoodie and skinny jeans. I pull up my hood.
I walk down a few blocks and go into a convenience store. I pull my hood down and go to the medicine section to get some ointment and pain killers. After paying I walk out. The cold air starts to get colder. I hug my myself tighter.
When I hear a car beep, I turn around,
"Hey Ella?" Jason gets out and locks his door. I take no notice and carry on walking.
"Wait! What's up where you going?" He grabs my arm but I harshly rip it away and keep walking,
"the fuck Ella, what's up?"
I push him away,
"leave me alone! Just go! You had your fun! You made a fool out of me, you led me on!! You made me care about you, thinking you've changed!!! YOUR AN ASSHOLE WHO WILL NEVER CHANGE, GET AWAY FROM ME!" I scream at him and cry, feeling like a fool.
He pulls my arm,
"What are you talking about?" He was still acting...what a sick asshole!
I shake my head and pull his arm off me,
"Don't give me that bullshit, I heard everything, all that, 'you should've seen her face! I led her on like a dog, that annoying bitch, and I could've fucked her up there and then'...doesn't ring a bell?" Tears falling from my eyes,
"I trusted you, it was my first time ever and you lied and used me, never come near me again," I try and walk off but he pulls me back,
"Fine, but I tried, you think I loved you or even liked you? No one will love a worthless....bitch like you," I smile and move his hand away again, my heart breaking more and more. The same words my dad says to me Almost every day.
"Thanks for that," I whisper and walk away. Keeping my head down in a daze. How can he say that? I jus keep walking looking down.
"HEY! Look out!"
"Watch out!"
A gasp escapes my mouth, there's headlights, shouting, a scream, my scream and.....and a crash....a bang and darkness overwhelms me....

Not edited guys so sorry!!

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