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OK this is my first story and I may not make a lot of sense but here we go..and if you guys have any suggestions please let me know

"I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!!!" Marinette says as she runs to get ready. "Mari calm down" tikki says to mari as she hurries to the bathroom when her mom yells" marinette your gonna be late for school hurry up!"  "Ok" she yells back. She makes it just in time to make it to class on time which is a BG suprize to everyone including Adrian (I know you all wanted to hear that it makes Adrian kinda well......ecstatic😊) Adrian was looking at marinette all day. Ofcourse he was making her blush which was because he was blushing. Alya and Nino were laugh so hard they were crying. Nino was whispering in Adrian's ear and he starting to blush. So Adrian walked over to Mari and had asked her out.( You can't lie you all wanted this and don't lie) She was sooo red that she almost screamed! "Uh....sure" Alya had been standing over to the right and was screaming "YYYYEEEESSSSS!!!!!!" "ALYA!!!" as she was screaming really loud. Nino had said "dude!" "Nino! What was that for you wanted me to man up and ask her!!" "Yes but you need to stop talking about her to me!" "NINO!!!!!!" Adrian grabs marinette's hand and ran off and hugged her. She said"I love you a lot Adrian" "I love you too that's why I asked you out"😉 "You know Adrian I was the one who answered your poem" "I'm glad it was you"

That's all for this chapter

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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