Chapter 1

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"Tiara, you're just a rat; you know that's impossible!" Willow said as they scattered down the sewer with bread crumbs in their paws.

The usual unpleasant stench hit their nose, not affecting them as much though, being that they got used to it.

"Nothings impossible, just think about it; us partying all night long, our parents not lecturing us about how dangerous the sewers are... meeting some cute boys."

Tiara had dreams; she wanted to have a fun life instead of  having to sneak out just to get some food. Tiara wanted to be just like the Redside Wood Rats, it was a gang. They were nothing better than the life she had, as she's told by her parents, she denied it though. She thought her life was full of shit.

"Whatever floats your boat, gal" Willow said as she turned the corner and scattered off to her home. This was a usual routine, meeting up with each other and walking home together.

Tiara decided she wasn't going to walk home today, infact, shes going straight into Redside Wood Rats territory.

Tiara lingered right outside of their den. It looked scary... it was dark and smelt of cigarettes.

A male black rat appeared. He had a scar on his snout, and it looked fresh.

"Excuse me, sir?" Tiara spoke

The rat turned around

"Who ye be?" He said with a strong Scottish accent.

"I'm Tiara... I came here so I could join the gang."

"You best be on yer bike lass" He said.

"I'm serious, I want to be in the gang. My life is trash" Tiara still had high hopes of her getting into the gang.

"The only thing ye be good for is that fine arse body." He looked Tiara horizontally, cause she's a rat.

"So, am I in or not?" Tiara said not caring.

He laughed

"Follow me." He turned his back and walked into a dark hole.

Tiara followed him down a passage; they were going deeper into the sewer. As they got deeper they could here lots of rats arguing and laughing.


i hope you enjoyed chapter 1 !!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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