Chapter 1

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*blam* the door slammed as la frog hurried in, he quickly walked through the castle to the throne room. Mr.night sat on the throne with his hand on his head. Mr.night was huge he stood 9ft tall his face constantly changing to bring out your worst fears, he wore a blood red hooded robe that fell and hovered just above the floor. He slowly looked up as la frog entered
Mr.night looked up in a raspy voice he acknowledged la frog as la frog quickly bowed
"Rise general, What news have you brought"
La frog answered back "The child has been born my king we should kill it now before they have a chance to flee"
Mr.night stood up  slowly beginning to shrink to normal size he walked up to la frog "I appointed you General so that you can make decisions with out coming to me for an answer every time like some whiney crying child waiting for its mothers breast, do as you see fit..."
La frog cut Mr.night off
"But my Lord I think the dec.."
"No my Lord im just saying..."
"It does not matter what you have to say your but a piece of filth with a job, do what you must but bring the child to me or I will have your head on the block by sunrise"
"Yes my lord" la frog said nervously bowing and turning to leave
La frog froze his back still turned so Mr.night could not see the scared expression la frog was wearing
"Do not fail me"
"Yes my lord" and la frog quickly hurried out

"You must leave with him Sarah"
"I will not leave you my love" Sarah replied
Horns looked painfully upon his wifes face she was beautiful with her blond hair and bright blue eyes he slowly kissed her knowing it might be his last chance. A knock suddenly rang on the door. Sarah and horns looked at each other. horns picked up the sawed off shot gun that lay on the table and aimed it at the door "enter" he said slowly a short man in shorts and white tank top entered he had a beard that almost touched the ground, tattoos covered  his arms he had small gauges in both ears and wore a black beanie. Horns face broke into a smile
"It's so good to see you Griffin"
"It's  good to see you to my old friend, these are dark times its good to know theres still a friendly face around"
Horns bent down and wrapped his huge arms around Griffin, Griffin hugged horns back griffin turned and looked at Sarah "hello ma lady" griff said bowing "beautiful as always I see"
"Thank you griffin you are as sweet as ever." Griffin smiled "we must hurry night has sent out a squad of hunters"
Horns shook his head. "I'm not leaving. griff take the babe and keep him safe I will hold them off long enough for you to reach safety. Horns and Griff looked at each other reaching a silent understanding then horns looked at Sarah
"you must go with him its the only way for you to stay safe"
"I do not want to stay safe I am tired of running I will stay and fight with you or we will die together"
Horns looked at his wife he knew he would never get her to leave he handed the child to Griffin
"Take care of him"
"What is the child's name"
"Albert...his name is Albert" Sarah replied Griffin smiled at both of them said goodbye and walked out the door knowing he'd never see either of them again after this night


The hunting squad raced towards the house riding Biest's, they were huge muscular creatures. They could see lights on as the raced across the barren fields, the wind rushed into their faces as they approached the house, they crossed into the neutral zone. It was land that hadn't been claimed by either side yet. They could smell wood burning in the fire place as smoke billowed from the smoke stack on the roof. Seeker breathed in the smoke, smelling the sweet smell of pine. They came to a stop in front of the house, two of the Hunters broke off and circled to the back of the house. On la frogs command staying along the tree line so they couldn't be seen, they had the house surrounded. la frog sat on top of his Biest."seeker" said la frog "yes" said seeker bitterly "that's yes what to you" la frog shot back "yes sir" seeker said through gritted teeth "ya know seeker if I was you I would be grateful Night took you in and gave you a home now for all of our sake be a good little bitch and go seek do your job." seeker quietly snuck up to the house crouching low as to not be seen through the window,he circled the house several times before sneaking back to the woods "I couldn't see the baby" Seeker reported to la frog "we wait for now then" an hour passed the temperature dropped "I do believe a storms on its way" la frog said quietly "good I hope you get struck by lightning" said seeker "o my dear boy this anger does not suit you " said la frog laughing quietly  "boy"said seeker questioningly  "I am a man  you incompetent.." "if you two are done the lights have gone out" said la frogs lieutenant, la frog and seeker stopped talking "seeker go and search the house quietly for the baby" seeker quietly snuck  up to the house, picked the lock and walked in  closing the door behind him. ____________________________________Seeker quietly walked in horns and Sarah were curled up on the tweed couch Seeker laughed silently thinking it was a shocker horns hadn't eaten it he wanted to wake his old friend up and warn him but he knew the hunters were watching and he knew they'd kill them all if he did so he quietly searched the rooms his face went white realizing the child was no longer there he couldn't tell la frog they would kill them but he couldn't warn them either he made a choice he walked over and pulled the blankets up covering them and taking the shotgun he walked outside he handed la frog the gun and said "the babe is not here" "only one thing to  do then..burn it down" yelled la frog the hunters rushed forward letting out yelps they advanced on the house. Reaching the house they threw torches on it setting it on fire. several minutes passed before a scream broke though the yelps and cries of the hunters two people hand in hand burst from the house collapsing in front of seeker he looked at seeker and said "your forgiven" he collapsed to the ground he turned his head to look at the lifeless body of his wife and used his last breath to say "I love you" before he went limp and his eyes closed a tear rolled down seekers face as the smell  of  burning flesh filled the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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