My Tears

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I'm here waiting for you at our kitchen table.

You're not home.

Where are you?

We were going to plan our future today.

You're still not here.

I go out in hopes that I could bring you home.

I ask if anyone has seen you.

No one has.

It was dark outside as I was about to lose hope to find you,

When my phone rings signaling a call from you.

It wasn't you.

The voice in the other line says "I'm so sorry" ...

I lost realty by then.

Lost all sense of happiness.

I rush to you.

It's all happening so fast.

I try not to drown in my own tears.

It's suffocating.

It's just one big mistake-

A dream!

I'm going to wake up in your arms.

Your going to tell me you'll never leave me,

That we'll always be together.

Nothing will change your love for me.

But as I walk towards my final memory of you.

I lose all of my humanity.

I see you lying there.

No movement.

A note rested on your white unmoved hand.

It says my name.

I pick it up numbly and read...

" I love you my dearest.

Sorry we couldn't say goodbye.

You must live for two not one now for my soul stays with yours.

Remember that nothing will change my love for you.

Even your love for another man when the time comes.

Forever yours, your other half "

There is nothing left on the note.

And as I sit down next to him,

I know this is a dream I won't be waking up from.



Okay I got this idea from the song "Forever and Always" by parachute! They're a really amazing band!! Now I did change it up a bit and honestly to me it sounds a bit to creepy and sad. (my poem not the song!! The song is amazing!!! ) It could just be me but please comment what you think! Also is it too short?? Thank you so much for your love and support!!

My TearsWhere stories live. Discover now