Just a dream

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 Just a dream

The knight loaded the bow directed at her heart. She closed her eyes scared to open them, scared to see the arrow lodge its self in her chest. She took her final breath......

Willow sat up in her bed to see that she was in her room safe from the battle field. She rung the bell, summoning the maid. "Did you see my mother this morning". "No , miss willow". "Thank you, please go retrieve my breakfast then" she said waiving the maid off. Marigold sighed.... Mom never has time any more...she always gone making innocent people suffer.

Marigold pov

Marigold danced in tune as she hummed her favorite song, twirling over and over again until her feet hurt. She tumbled into her bed as the maid came to check on her. Her loving father decided she had to go to bed early so she could be ready to leave for the summer castle. She felt her eyelid getting heavy. She soon fell into a deep sleep......

Marigolds dream

The knight loaded the bow directly at the fairies heart. She wanted to run and stop her fathers knight from killing the innocent girl. The girl closed her eyes as the knight perfected his arrow. Willow took a deep sharp breath knowing what the future holds for the young girl......

Marigold sat up and screamed. Her heart was beating faster than a fairies wing. She put her hands on her face and weeped until morning.


Willow looked at the mirror. She looked nothing like a sun fairy to start with, her hair was as dark as night, her eyes were as green as clovers and skin was as pale as the moon. She looked liked a shadow fairy instead of a light fairy. Her mother seemed nice and happy to her subjects but in the castle her mother was cruel and evil. the queen arranged for maids to break somthing just to watch them get tortured. Willow Father was leading the army while her mother was ruling. Know her mom was gone was like music to her ears. She changed quickly in to a royal blue dress and grabbed her messenger bag that she had packed early this morning. "Now all i have to do is find an escape" The queen had put a enchantment over the castle so nobody could leave except her, Wlillow opened the hunter green curtains that hadn't been open in years. LIght flooded into the room making the seem darker than usal. She looked at her black and white bedspread with little flowers embroidered. This was it she thought she was finally leaving this horrible place. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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