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Many years ago when man worshiped Gods & Goddesses.
There lives Nyx goddess of the night .
Her powers were so strong all men and gods alike worshipped her including Zeus himself.

Her beauty was so breathtaking that women dared not compete with her.

Helena was not as obsessed with Nyx as she was with Nyxs daughter Lovelace.

For Helena knew of the powers Lovelace would hold powers and beauty that would outshine even her mothers and Helena couldn't have that happen.

So she took the child in the middle of the night and  had a sorcerer cast a spell.

"You shall hide with the mortal men untill the day your powers can mend the broken heavens that shall descend!"

A pond hearing the spell Helena broke down. Thinking that Lovelace would be the cause of war with in the heavens and she leaped up and killed the beautiful child.

Nyx woke up with a searing pain at the death of her daughter.
She rushed to Zeus at the top of mount Olympian and cures him and the gods that lived there.

"By your wifes greed you all shall suffer. The death of my daughter shall be your death to man. But a pond your lost to them i shall grant them 13 winged warriors to save them once again. Until I reunite with my Lovelace destruction shall be all you know."

And with that Nyx set the whole of Olympian on fire.

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