Chapter 26: A frosty wedding .

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Although the thought of Joja pulling something nasty out of their bags of tricks was on the mind of Marcus and Leah yet there was no time to worry about that. During the past few days everyone was running about preparing for the next big event for the town.

Leah had been asked to be one of the bride's maids for Maru while Marcus had been asked to be one of the groomsmen for Harvey for the wedding. Just about all the guys and gal's were asked to be bride's maids and groomsmen save Penny she had been asked to be maid of honor since Maru and her had been and still are best friends. As for the best man Harvey had asked Elliot who was more than happy to accept.

Quiet honestly the whole town was in an up roar and this was only the beginning. "Alright guys ! I need you're help ! I'm so scared and nervous I almost feel like I could pass out !" Harvey said his voice shaky. "Bruh. Just have a cold beer that will solve all your problems." Shane said leaning back into the sofa in the saloon parlor where the men's war room was setup. "Uh I don't think that is a good idea. After all need we have a repeat of spirits eve." Elliot stated as all the guys agreed. "Harvey dude you got to man up like getting ready for a big game !" Alex had said which didn't help at all it seemed to make things worse.

"Guys guys come on we need to band together not offer suggestions that will make things worse." Marcus said patting Harvey on the shoulder. "What we need to do is become team Harvey and do the best we can to get him ready for his big day." Harvey lightly formed a smile to him Marcus always knew the right words to say. "Yeah I mean after all being married is like the end of your life pretty much." Seb said which was typical. "Yeah but come on ! Its something better dude. I mean look at the next part he's like totally hooking up with one of the girls who are actually hot in town and not only that she's got the brains to really help him out." Sam said grinning. "True and also think of the custom rings I'm making for you two I'd hate to have gone through all that time for you turn yellow and run away." Clint put in.

"alright !" Marcus said hitting his opened palm with his fist. "Lets get to work ! First off Harvey we need a list of things to get done for you." Harvey looked down in shock before looking up. "Well first thing is I need someone to help me with writing my vows." He said. Elliot smiled for a moment. "I shall help you ! After all it is the best mans duty to help ! Let us meet at my place tonight and work on it together." Harvey nodded before thinking of another thing. "Next I'm going to someone to help setup the area where we are going to have the wedding such as setting up the tents and other things." Sam and Alex and Seb all put their hands together and cheered. "Gooo team ! we got this !" Just as they said that they were out the door. "Next I need someone to setup refreshments such as drinks and food. " Shane grinned. "Leave that to me and don't worry I'm not going to just set out beer and more beer"

As for Clint he already had his task which was crafting the rings. But for Marcus well Harvey had a special task for him. "Marcus. I wouldn't ask anyone to do this but you. I need you to lead the group you have the talent and gift to keep this all on track." Marcus was shocked but humbly accepted after all someone had to keep the guys in line.

Now that the guys had setup everything it was much different over at Emily's place where the girls war room had been setup. "Okay girls ! Its time to put on the war paint ! Haley I need the latest fashion accessories for my wedding dress, Emily I place in your awesome hands the crafting of my dress, Abby I need your stealthy skills to spy on the guys with constant updates, Penny you will not leave my side cause I need all the emotional support I can get and I also need your opinion on things. As for you Leah I need your artistic talent to make the wedding decor I know you can do it with the help of Mary and Lucy." Maru said as if she was the general commanding her army to go forth and conquer.

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