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Main characters: Ono Kazuki, Shibata Meiko.
Minor: Otanashi Yuzuru

~Ono Kazuki

-Personality- jack ass, sarcastic most of the time...he's the definition of a straight up bastard. Or ass. Whichever you prefer XD I think that describes his personality well enough.

-Appearance- Tall (roughly 6ft) Skinny. Sun-kissed Blonde. Lime green eyes. Wears normal school uniform. Tan. Hair is kinda spiky.

-Age: 16

-Likes- Spicy food. Violence. Food in general. Dangerous, risky activities

-Dislikes- girly-girls (because why not) books. Can't stand dolls, stuffed animals, so on.

The rest you need to know about him you'll find out in the story.

Sometime in the future I may draw a picture of him to give you guys a better idea of what he looks like ^_^ or I can leave it to your imaginations to imagine him howeverrrr you want B)

~Shibata Meiko

-Personality- stuck-up, acts like a know-it-all. Antisocial.

-Appearance- short (roughly 5ft 6in) Skinny. Black, straight hair with bangs across her forehead. Pale. Wears normal school uniform. Vibrant violet-red eyes.

-Age: 15

-Likes- martial arts. Books. Drawing. Being a know-it-all type of girl. Chocolate. (Well, she LOVES it) stuffed animals.

-Dislikes- people. Comics. Risky acts. Obnoxious boys (*cough cough* Kazuki *cough cough*)

I'm guessing you guys know what Otanashi looks like since you've most likely watched the entire show if you're here reading this. The random characters will have their appearance explained in the story later on but this fan fiction revolves mainly around Kazuki and Meiko ^_^ also, excuse me for the lack of description of the surroundings. I'm not entirely sure how to describe it in a fan fiction but you guys know what it looks like so it's all good (I'm hoping) XD

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