Raven;large and massive with a thick shaggy throat feathers and a Bowie knife beak
Wedge-shaped tails more slender than a crow with large narrower wings
Entirely black, confident, inquisitive bird that strut around with light two-footed hops.
Buoyant and graceful in flight, interspersing soaring, gliding and slow flaps
Social but aggressive, mischievous but rare, unique and intelligent
It cruise along road looking for roadkill,
If you see a black bird flying right down the middle of a road it's probably a ravenElegant, bold and firm.
That's a Raven!
The concealer of shame
The Bright Side Of A Raven
RandomMost people think raven birds are from the dark side of the world and mistake them for crows. Ravens are unique and rare mischievous animals. Allah mentioned the raven in Qur'an 5 vs 27-31 while talking about the two sons of Adam;Habil(Abel)and Qab...