Chapter 1 - Temptation

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"Damn!" I say downing another shot of tequila as well as screwing up another piece of paper, the bartender behind the bar laughs as he is used to my usual antics, I come down to this classy bar and drink tequila and attempt to write. "Jaxon, I don't need your laughter it distracts me" I scold him and he rolls his eyes and replies "Belle, you sit here every day screwing up pieces of paper and drinking tequila, when are you going to actually write" I sat there heavy in my thoughts he was right. I was suffering from a massive writer block I had all these ideas but just couldn't put them onto paper, I was about to go home when I heard a voice "Is this seat taken?" I look up and see this tall handsome stranger, he's wearing an expensive suit and oh my he's not hard to look at. I gather my thoughts "It is now" I reply confidently and gesture him to sit down. Jaxon is quietly wiping up glasses but giving me looks to say here's your chance to get out of your writer's block. He sits down and fixes himself and I can't help but not stare he's beautiful, "Two tequila's please Jaxon" he says politely, I'm stunned he obviously comes here often to know Jaxon but I've never seen him before so I question him on it "Do you come here often?" He smiles a little and looks towards me "I come here all the time, but I've never seen you here before" I smiled back at him and reply "I come here after work and try to write you meet lots of interesting people" he sits there thinking like he's interested in knowing more about me and replies intriguingly "What do you write about?" I take a deep breath and say to him "Pain and tragedy are my favorites" as he sits there thinking I down another tequila and ask Jaxon for another one. He finally says something "I find that very interesting I'd like to know more about you" I straighten myself up and reply "Of course, but first I need another drink". And after that tequila shot, I can barely remember anything except waking up in a strange bed the next morning.

I lay in the bed too nervous to roll over, but I need to know who's bed I'm in, I try to be as quiet as I can and roll over to reveal I had slept with the guy from the bar and then it all comes back to me. We had a wild night of passionate sex not just once but multiple times. I remember him whispering sweet nothings in my ear which made me want him more, me clinging onto the bed sheets as he was taking me to another place a place I've never been before, this guy was a sexual god in bed and made me feel things I've never felt before. I needed to get out of here and fast. I quickly dart out of bed finding whatever clothes I can and quickly exit the bedroom. I walk out of the bedroom and wow this guy must have a lot of money his living room is alone almost as big as my apartment everything is clean and very elegant. I hear someone coming so I quickly walk to the elevator and get the hell out of there.

Once I'm in the elevator I step back and once I hit the wall I slide down it until I reach the floor and put my head in my hands and think what the hell have I done. As I'm sitting there I think of last night I just can't get it out of my head maybe because I've never felt it before? Maybe because he was so damn good at sex? Or maybe it's because I have been missing out on something my whole entire life. I didn't give him my name nor do I remember his name and I would like to keep it that way. The elevator finally dings and I quickly walk out of the elevator and out onto the street and hail a cab the next conversation was going to be a hard one. Going home to my husband.

I quickly tidy myself up so he will just suspect I've been at work all night and I exit the cab and walk into my apartment. My husband isn't there and I take a deep breath and let go of the guilt for a moment and then I remember I slept with a man last night a man that wasn't my husband and this is not like me. My husband Jared was my first love and my first everything we had been married for two years, I made my way into the bathroom and found a note.


I know you must be still at work, working on your next masterpiece I believe you can do it, I'll see you tonight,

I love you


My heart drops, how could I have done this to my husband, I jump into the shower and sit on the floor and fall asleep thinking about last night "Mi Amore, you're so beautiful" he whispers in my ear causing me to want him more. I jolt myself awake as I was thinking back to what he was whispering to me last night as we were having sex. I need to get this guy out of my head before tonight. I can't risk my husband finding out. I get out of the shower and quickly get ready and go to work. I was going to receive so many questions about where I have been for the morning.

I get to the front desk lobby and my co-worker Jess is already there waiting for me, she's tapping on her watch as to say you're very late to work today. "Well Jared must've kept you busy this morning," she says in a sassy way. I just roll my eyes and keep walking and as usual, she follows me like a little puppy dog. Once we are in the bathroom, I go silent and instantly she can tell something is wrong. "Belle, what's wrong your not yourself?" she says quietly. I look at her and reply "I slept with another man last night" she is shocked and just stands there with her jaw almost to the ground. I say to her "Jess pick your jaw up and say something please" she gathers herself and asks "Who was it?" I feel ashamed even talking about it but I need to I reply to her "I don't know who he is and he doesn't know who I am, all I know is he has a lot of money", she get's all excited but she has seemed to have forgotten I'm married, she never did really like Jared I don't understand why she just doesn't. She's thinking what to ask next I just know what she is going to ask "So how was the sex?" she asks I knew it I knew she would ask me that question. I look down at my feet feeling really awkward what I'm about to say I gulp and reply to her awkwardly "It was the best night of my life" I instantly feel guilty, she looks confused by my reply and asks "How so?" I take a deep breath so I don't let too much information out and I start off saying to her "Jess, he made me feel things I've never felt before..." and then the rest of it just all comes out "Things I never knew existed he done to me, this man was so good in bed, the things we did, the things he did to me were amazing and I would probably do it again if I could, to be honest" She is absolutely gobsmacked and I don't blame her because it's not like me to be like this. I've always been faithful in my marriage which is why I'm so confused by this as well. She claps her hands together and it scares the hell out of me and she says "You so did it more than once" I was totally not expecting her to say that, but it was true we did do it more than once and I reply to her trying not to sound impressed with myself "We did it multiple times in multiple locations, Jess" she has a smirk on her face and replies "He must have been really good if you kept going back for more". Like I said this guy was good I couldn't get enough of him. I struggled to remember anything but throughout the morning I was remembering heaps of events from our night. I felt guilty but I also was interested to find out more about this guy I wanted to know more, I wanted to go sit down at that bar just to find him again I was intrigued by him. But I knew I had to forget about him and focus on Jared. Jess is still standing there with this massive smile on her face as our assistant walks through the door and it completely catches me off guard. Our assistant Julie says to us "You're needed in a meeting with Vivan ASAP" and with that Julie walks out. Jess looks at me worried and I know exactly what this means, Vivan is our boss and if she want's to speak to us it isn't a good thing at all. I look at Jess and say to her shrugging "Well we better go get in trouble shouldn't we" and both exit the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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