It took me about 47 seconds.
And believe me, that was not my intention.
But did I mention how lost I got in his eyes?Brown kinda like beach sand, I breathed deeply, held his hand and realized that I couldn't stop staring.
Then I kissed him, I think I scared him, I don't blame him but my god was he hot.
I had to put all my willpower into NOT ripping his clothes off.
It was just something about him.
I'd encountered many people throughout my life but the way this boy smiled made my heart skip a beat.
Fast forward
I started using the word "neat".
Which is a ridiculous word that's always annoyed me and I could only think of one vocabulary where I would've gotten it,His.
'Tis crazy but everytime he talks, I listen.
It's my mission not to punch him from the stupidity that falls from his lips but at the same time I just want to kiss them.How I fell in love?
In 47 seconds flat I discovered that happiness was a person ,
With brown eyes, a bad vocabulary and I am certain,
He's my one.