Wrecking This Evening Already And...

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Ryan was pissed off.

The show had gone fairly well, considering the fact that five minutes prior to going onstage Jac had picked a fight with him. And not just a little argument, either. It had been an all-out screamfest, ending with her crying and throwing a tray of fruit at him. The band was forced to start the show ten minutes late so he could change out of his stained clothing.

He knew it was time to end things with her; had known it for a while now, but she always had a way of changing his mind. The fact that sex was usually her method of changing his mind wasn't lost on him.

Truth be told, he was tired of the drama that always ensued with her. Things were so much easier when he was with Brendon instead, but once Audrey had come along Ryan had become less of a priority in Brendon's life. That was a big part of the reason he'd taken up with Jac in the first place.

Ryan stalked through the backstage rooms, looking for Brendon. He needed to vent. The last he'd seen of Brendon was him running for the shower to get in it before the other band members had a chance (this pissed some of the guys off, but Ryan never minded. Brendon shed more sweat during shows than the other 3 guys combined). He never saw him come out of the bathroom, but when he went to check after 20 minutes, the shower was empty so he took the opportunity to use it himself before anyone else grabbed it. Now he was dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt, looking nothing like his onstage persona. He went from room to room, barefoot, getting angrier by the minute. Where the fuck was his friend when he needed him?

He got his answer a minute later when he heard a sound from the room at the end of the hall he was currently pacing. The door was ajar and he pushed it open a few more inches, then froze in his tracks at the sight that greeted him.

Brendon was sprawled on a couch at the back of the room, shirtless, with his jeans open and legs splayed out in front of him to make room for the girl currently on her knees in between them, her mouth wrapped around his dick. Audrey.

Neither of them had noticed that the door had been pushed open, nor did they notice Ryan, who had slumped against the door frame in a show of complete and utter defeat. Of course, he thought. Of course he's with HER right now.

Like Brendon, Audrey was topless, her belly-baring crop top having been tossed aside along with her lacy magenta push-up bra. Brendon's hands were on her tits, lazily stroking her nipples, but it was very clear that his mind wasn't on what he was doing. His head was thrown back against the couch, his eyes closed, enjoying the (undoubtedly) world-class blowjob she was giving him.

She was still wearing hot pink stilettos on her feet and a white denim mini-skirt, which was so short that whenever she leaned forward Ryan could see her shapely, tanned ass beneath it. She was wearing a lacy magenta thong that matched her tossed-aside bra.

In spite of his pissed-off mood and embarrassment at having walked in on this scene, Ryan felt himself growing hard in his jeans. That pissed him off even more because he knew there was no chance of Jac taking care of that for him tonight.

He began backing away, trying to bolt before being noticed, and of course that's when Brendon opened his eyes and looked directly at him. It took Brendon a minute to fully focus his eyes; a result of the weed he'd smoked right after his shower combined with the fact that he was almost at the point of climaxing. When he finally realized he was looking at Ryan, who was watching him get a blowjob, a lazy grin spread across his face.

I'm fucked. That was the first thought that came to Ryan's mind. Then, wait. Why the fuck is he smiling? Smug asshole.

Before Ryan had a chance to do an about-face and storm off, Brendon gently touched Audrey on the shoulder, pushing her back lightly. She giggled and took her mouth off of him with a loud sucking noise, just long enough to purr, "It's okay, baby, I know you're close, I can feel it, you'resofucking hard. I love when you come in my mouth."

Brendon shook his head, apparently unable to form words at the moment, and pointed in Ryan's direction. Audrey turned her head and Ryan waited for her to freak out, scream at him to get out, something along those lines. Instead, her reaction masked Brendon's almost identically. Her eyes widened, and a cat-who-ate-the-canary smile appeared on her face. She turned to look up at Brendon, who simply nodded.

Ryan just stood there, wondering what the hell kind of unspoken conversation the two of them were having. And then Brendon beckoned to him, crooking his index finger in the universally understood "come here" gesture.

Ryan stood frozen for a minute, torn between the urge to flee and the curiosity to find out what would happen if he stayed. Sensing his hesitation, Audrey shifted the angle of her ass to give Ryan a full view of beneath her skirt. She ran her eyes slowly up and down his body, finally honing in on his erection which was now clearly (and uncomfortably) obvious through his jeans. She slyly raised an eyebrow and said, "You look like you need a little fun too. C'mere, Ryan...let's give B a break for a minute so he get back from the edge. If you'd walked in here 5 seconds later than you did, you would have found me wiping his cum off my chin."

Brendon smirked at that, but Ryan noticed that his hand was firmly gripped around the base of his cock. He was definitely on the edge. Ryan wondered if Audrey's dirty talk alone would be enough to set Brendon off right now. The thought of it made Ryan's own dick throb. He liked watching people lose control.

Audrey stood up, flipping her long black-and-pink streaked hair over her bare shoulder, and crossed the room to Ryan. She stood a few inches in front of him and he fought the urge to look down at her naked tits. He wasn't about to act like a desperate creep, because Audrey would have loved that. He didn't want to give her that satisfaction. She got enough attention from men.

For a minute they engaged in what felt like a staring contest; maintaining eye contact, willing the other one to break first. That's why Ryan didn't notice that she was very slowly reaching her right arm out toward him until she firmly placed her hand on his crotch, palming his erection, squeezing it through the denim and stroking upwards and then down. The instant surge of desire that coursed through him made him gasp and look down at her hand. Even through the sudden rushing white noise in his ears, he could hear Brendon laughing from across the room. I'm going to kill him for this later, Ryan thought. But right now... Right now he knew there was no way back. He could leave, of course; go back to the tour bus and jerk off in the tiny bathroom, but they'd never let him live it down. Plus, the thought of getting himself off wasn't nearly as appealing as finding out what these two were going to do to him...or what he would do to them.

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