Across The Sky

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My names Peter Haluly, I was 19 back when everything started. Back when I had my first love, yet second heart break. But one day, she flew into my life. But left like that, to across the sky. The otherside of the world, with no chance of coming back. But I had to see her, little did I know that along the way I would meet many intresting people from all around the world. Ones that would help in so many ways. Unexpected friendships, danger, and maybe even death along the way, just to get across the sky to finally see my one and only true love. Only, by time I finally get there, will she be someone else's? Will she even remember me? Even though I'm going all this way, who knows what will happen when I get their. When I travel across the world to find her, so she can be mine.


"Peter, were over!" My ex-girlfriend schreeched stomping off.

I stood there motionless, not even a expression on my face. Then a girl bumped into me. 

"Oh, sorry," She said.

"It's ok," I muttered.

"Your funny," She chuckled picking up her stuff.

"How so?" I questioned.

"Just the way you said it," She giggled, "I'm Sadie."

'I'm Peter," I replied trying to smile.

"How old are you Peter?" Sadie asked.

"19, you?" I answered.

"18, I just moved here, can you show me around the town? I don't know anyone else." She explained.

"Sure," I answered shrugging my shoulders.

That's when it all started, at first I thought that the only reason I liked her then was because my girlfriend just broke up with me. But it changed as soon as Sadie left, I knew then that after a year with her that I truely did like her. By the time I was finished with school it felt as if I hadn't seen Sadie for years, but in all truth, it was only a few months. 

So I got a job, once I had enough money for a car I bought one. Then I started my trip around the world to Paris where she had moved. I was afraid of leaving my family, but they were happy to see me go. They cheered me on as I left in my brand new car. It wasn't so new when I got there though. 


My first stop was Las Vegas. I figured I needed more money anyway, so it would be a good place to go. Little did I know, it ended up being the worst.

I drove into Las Vegas in a matter of hours. I checked into a hotel and then drove around the city trying to find a good place to eat. I figured I'd go into a casino and just get something at the bar, so I did. Knowing that I still had to drive I got a glass of water and french fries. I then played a little with the slot machines. I didn't win anything, but I did know have a empty wallet with only my drivers liense, ID, and maxed out credit cards. 

I drove back to the hotel wishing that I had filled my gas tank before I left. It was nearly empty one I got to the hotel. I parked it quickly sighing and walking up to my room. 

I started getting ready for bed when I heard a knock on my room door. 

"Hello?" I asked seeing how no one was there.

I looked both ways and then down. It was a little note. I picked it up and read it.

Hey, I saw that you lost all you money. So, I figured you needed some help, please don't fid it creepy that I followed you to your hotel. Here's some money, from, me. 

Inside of the note was 1,000$. I was thankful that I had a stalker right at the moment. Especially a helpful one.

 I took the money and put it into my money making me feel like my wallet was now complete. I finished getting ready for bed making sure to brush my teeth and keep up my normal habits. Just because I was in seach of my love doesn't mean that I have to change my routine. I went into bed and curled up in my covers. It was quite cold that night and I needed to do some shopping before I left tomorrow in search of winter clothes.


I stared at the sign that read -Good Will- I didn't think that they would have a place like this is Las Vegas, but to my pleasure I walked inside to see I wasn't dreaming. It held the winter clothes I was looking for, I knew they needed a quick wash, but I was determend to get out of here by at most 2 pm. It was already 11 am, and I still needed to chec out my items. There was a long wait at the line, mostly because there was only one lane open. I was begining to get frustrated as 12'o clock started to form. 

I finally made it to the check out, but to my dismay the worker had switched out with a much older man. He was slow at his job, but I was patiently until he was done. I quickly payed him and took all my bags. I packed my car and my stomach growled from the lack of food. It was almost 1, but I decided it would be best if I ate something before I left. 

I drove around the town until I saw a nice little bakery and decided thats where I would eat.

I sat alone at one of the tables after ordering a muffin and some soda. When it got there I ate it slowly knowing it would have to keep me full until my next stop. Before I was able to leave however, a kind faced lady sat down at the table. She smiled at me warmly, and I smiled back a bit unsure of what was going on.

"Hi, I hope you like my gift, and I hope it's not creepy I followed you again, I just couldn't help but notice that your not from around here," She explained, "Bye the way, my names Jackie," 

"I'm Peter, and I don't find it that creepy, it's just, you kinda followed me here too. How come?" I questioned.

"I just wanted to formally meet you, and I hear your new to town. Word spreads pretty quickly around here, fresh meat for all those gamblers out there," She replied.

"Well, doesn't completely answer my question, but thanks for the money, I need to go get gas then leave." I explained.

"Oh! I can give you my gas filler upper thingy," She chuckled.

I laughed at her attempt to say words. Then I kindly accpeted her offer knowing it would help me later on my trip. 

"Yay! Let me go and get it from my car," She cheered.

I followed her out knowing if I didn't I would never leave. I took my soda that I half finised with me taking small sips. She got the gas out of her trunck and handed it to me. 

"Thank you," I smiled happily as I grabbed it from her hand. 

"No problem, sooo, how come your leaving so soon?" She asked.

"Well, you see I'm on a trip, to ummm, find someone." I tried to explain.

"Can I join you?" She questioned, "I can be a huge help!" 

"I don't know, I'm traveling across the world to find someone that I love, I'm going to Paris." I explained hoping she would understand.

"I've always wanted to go to Paris!" She cheered.

Guess not.

"Ok, I guess you can come," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yippee!" She screamed throwing her hands into the air, "Lemme go get all my money," 

"How long is that going to take?" I questioned knowing I wanted to leave soon.

"Maybe, like 30 minutes, tops," She promised.

"Alright," I nodded following her.

We drove over to her apartment and a few banks in my car. We disided it would be best to just use one car for now. 

It was 2'o clock sharp when we left Las Vegas. I was glad to have someone come with me, although I really would of perfered it to be a guy rather then a lady. I guess it doesn't always work out as planned. 

I was extremely happy though about how much supplies we had now. Without her I don't think it would of been able to last much longer and give up my trip sooner then later. I mean, I didn't want to ever give it up. But, I knew if I didn't have enought funds I would have to pack up get a job and start all over again after a few years. By then she probably would be married with at least one kid. I mean, who wouldn't want to marry her?

 We both drove off starting for the dock where I could rent a boat. I could sail across to Europe in a few weeks or days I wasn't sure on how long though. But, I will get there soon hopefully. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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