Chapter Twenty-One: The Truth Hurts

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Fallout Equestria: The Last Wanderer

Chapter Twenty-One: The Truth Hurts


No matter how much ponies had lied to get themselves out of trouble, the truth would always be found at some point in their lives, one way or another. Trouble is inevitable, even when you think you have gotten away from it for good, after you had lied your way out by showing innocent smiles to the judge and the jury, trouble would always catch up... And the trouble would be followed with punishment. No matter how much the truth hurts, you always have to come out with it...

If you had done what I did, if you had broken so many rules, killed so many ponies and destroyed so many families and broken the trust of so many ponies - if you had killed your friend because she had tried to kill you - if you did what I did, it would be hard... But remember, the truth is always set free even if it is the closest pony to you who finds out. I had broken the hope for the Wasteland; I had weakened the friends and strengthened the enemy. And that is the worst of all deeds to commit when a nation's life is at stake.

But I was not alone -- history had thousands of ponies like me. And I was far from the worst.

"Good afternoon, everypony, Autumn Breeze here bringing you another update of what's happening in the Wasteland... Yay? I hate the Wasteland as much as you do, believe me...

"For those traveling up from the south to Manehattan, be sure to stop by Stable 55 and give the Steel Rangers a visit. If you're looking to handle heavy weaponry, grab some heavy armor and get your own slice of action be sure to head to Stable 55. All newbies to the Steel Rangers are guaranteed a warm bed and free food upon signing up! Believe me, listeners, I ain't lying, these Rangers are doing their best to make sure the Equestria we live in has a better tomorrow.

"In other news, the search for our infamous Little Blue Buddy continues. Reports have come in suggesting that he has been sighted within the Destiny area - if this is true, grab all the guns and weapons you can find, and find him. If you kill him, bring his head to Mist and you will be rewarded. Bring him back alive, and your reward will be even greater.

"I know it's a bit silly chasing after one pony, but the Steel Rangers know what they're doing. This pony they're asking you to chase after used a Bale Fire Bomb on Sunnyvale, killing all of the Steel Rangers inside of it -- taking the homes of what could have been thousands of ponies away from them with one big multicolored blast of death. Imagine if you were those ponies... If somepony turns a blind eye to it, no doubt it will happen again...

"He is a dangerous threat... Believe me..."

They knew... They knew what I had done. They knew the truth, and there was no point in hiding from it. All of the ponies who were against me, all of the ponies who I had met on my travels in the areas I had visited were no doubt going to become my enemies. And not only that, but no doubt the Alicorns, Hellhounds, Slavers... Raiders... Everypony who I have encountered, every faction I have fought against, all of them after me, hunting me as if I was some wild animal.

Maybe I was. I had just been let out of the cage, I had just strayed too far away from it and now it was impossible for me to be locked away inside of it yet again. I was a dog, a rabid creature, watching and waiting for my predator... Eyes always open. And they were my predators... All of them hunting me down, waiting for me to make one small mistake which could jeopardize the life of both my companions, and me.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks... I could only do so much. I wasn't perfect.

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