Chapter Twenty-Two: Memories

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Fallout Equestria: The Last Wanderer

Chapter Twenty-Two: Memories

"Good afternoon, everypony. Autumn Breeze here bringing you another update on what's happening out there in the Wasteland!

"I have some good news, some very good news indeed. I'm sure you'll all be as excited I am when you hear it. Our Little Blue Buddy has finally been captured by the Steel Rangers - he has been taken to Stable 55, and deservedly so. He belongs there. Locked in a cage, no where to go, helpless... He got what he had coming to him.

"I know I may seem like some sort of 'anti-Tornado-gal' right now, but let me tell you this - would I really be here now if I was telling lies? There is no way in hell Ele-... I mean, your host... would ever allow that. I know the truth, and it's out there - you can choose whether or not you want to believe it, but he cannot add to the damage he had caused, and that my friends is progress.

"More news will be broadcasted shortly, listeners."


I felt like some sort of wild animal that had been captured and locked away. I felt hurt inside seeing my friends like this, I felt like a failure knowing it had to end like this. All of what I had done, all I had tried to do... Did all of that mean nothing? I was the most hated, most wanted pony in the Wasteland as of now. I was an enemy; I was the bait, the bounty, the prize for those who deserved me. But for what? Sex? Slave? Bodyguard? I questioned my own value. I wasn't worth it.

I deserved to be here, and there was no questioning that. I had returned to Stable 55 with reason, and not because I chose to - but because I had to. I had to accept that. I deserved to be locked up and walked on; I deserved the ultimate punishment... I deserved to be broken. And why wasn't I right there and then? Why didn't he just crush me? Why didn't he throw me around like some ragdoll?

I deserved it... All of it.

Crystal; the pony I loved... in danger because of me. Because of me. I had promised myself to keep her of all ponies safe, as well as my friends... But I failed. I kept throwing myself into danger, making them either follow or wait to the point where they had to fight themselves. This one pony, the pony who I met on my first day out in the Wasteland, the first of all ponies who I had met on my long journey had her life hanging by a thread. For what? Why was she going through this?

Dodge; my closest friend... dead. I had gotten him killed because of my stupid actions on letting him investigate on his own, and look what happened. He died. In my arms, bleeding out, choking and gasp for air as his life drained away, and as he drained away in my hooves. His blood was on my hooves, and nopony elses. It was my fault he was dead... And I'll let nopony say otherwise...

Violet; my frienemy... dead. I had shot her to defend myself. It was either going to be me or her, and I had to think selfishly. I didn't want to... I had to. If I died, what would use of all this be? Why did I do what I did just to get myself killed? She was the one acting like a foal; she was the one who turned their back on me. I didn't do that, and I would never do that unless I had to.

Swift... Cyber; I hadn't known them long. And now they were both in danger - because of me. I had a reason to blame myself. These two ponies didn't deserve to even be shot. From the time I had spent with them, from the time I had travelled with them, they were never a burden. They were a couple of ponies who were good friends and good with guns too. Despite their sarcastic humor at times, they still knew what was right and what was wrong. And they still stood by me, even after I had activated the Oracle.

Why can't they let them go...? They wanted me, and now they had me. I deserved this... But they did not.

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