The Entrance

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There had been many stories and myths on this forest; some said it was an enchanted forest, some said it was a haunted forest, many said that fairies lived there, many said that it was the home to the dead. These were all very different attempts towards what the forbidden forest contained. There was still one question people asked 'who said that the forest is forbidden?' And all of these myths have something in common; the forest was forbidden.

There was a young girl who wanted to find the real mystery behind the forbidden forest, so she set off to seek out this forbidden forest. Everyone had seen it before, but no one dared to go close or even attempt to get in the forbidden forest, she had to climb a mountain, and go for a walk for about one and a half hours. She arrived. The particular day she had come the lake beside the forbidden forest lay flat and calm, it looked to calm it could be a silk material just spread over the top. The place was empty and as she looked to her left she saw the forbidden forest. You may ask how does she know it is that one and not the one to the right? Well, she had an idea, from all the books. Every time she went to this hidden mountain place, everyone would talk about the forbidden forest and would point towards that direction.

This girl was called Almina, but everyone called her Al. Al had a very wide imagination and she loved to exaggerate telling or even writing stories. She wrote stories all the time, and they would always include a mystery, and mystical animals, because they felt right to her, sometimes she would blabber on about her stories, that is how she got unpopular, she was seen as mad. Al started to walk slowly towards the entrance of the forbidden forest, she thought maybe an old man out of no where would not let her pass, but she kept getting closer and closer. She was now at the entrance of the forbidden forest. She gaped upwards and looked at the tall trees. She had a backpack containing survival materials, for about two weeks, but she felt she needed less. She wanted to run back to a safe distance, but her will was strong, she wanted to discover the real truth behind the forbidden forest. The trees were huge, multicolored, and silently still. As if the entrance was sucking her into the forest, she took her first step into the forest.

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