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I swear I'll never love again. Not after Tal Fishman.

~ flashback

I remember the day Tal Fishman came to town like it was yesterday.

It was my senior year of highschool, and I was bored as hell in math class. I sat next to a bratty kid named Matthew and the spot next to me was empty, thank god. Until the day my teacher made an announcement that I'll never forget.

"Class, a new student will be joining us today." Mrs. Parker announced. I groaned, knowing I'll have to give up the empty space beside me.

A tall boy with light brown hair and marvelous blue eyes entered the room, and time stopped. I wanted to keep staring, but as Mrs. Parker's booming voice filled the room I was shaken from my trance.

"This is Tal Fishman. Tal, would you like to tell us about yourself?"

Tal smiled politely and introduced himself. "I'm Tal and I moved from Los Angeles to Miami with my brother and sister. I'm 18 years old and I'm trying out for the football team." He said briefly.

"Ok, Tal. You can go sit in the empty seat next to Ali." She nodded her head in my direction.

Tal smiled at me and my heart speeds up as he pulls the chair out from under the desk and sits in it. I smile at him as he gently pulls out a notebook from his red bag and I look down at the homework on my desk that I still have to work on.

"Ali, right?" He asks in a hushed tone. I put my pencil on my my notebook and nervously giggle.

"Yeah. Ali Decker. Nice to meet you Tal." I say, butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"I, uh, actually wanted to know if I could borrow a pencil?" He smoothly asked. How did he get his words to flow so perfectly together? His voice was the equivalent to an angel's.

"Oh, sure." I said as I hand him the one I had just been using.

"Don't you need to use that?" He asks, a chuckle escaping his upturned lips. I look at the clock behind him and I shake my head.

"The bell will ring soon. You can keep that." I tell him, and we smile at each other.

"Thanks, Ali."

I love how he says my name.

But am I falling too fast?


New school means new friends, and that's the problem. I don't have any yet, so I decide to sit next to my freshman brother Adi during lunch.

"Meet any hotties yet?" Adi teased.

"Shut up."

"Oh, so we have, haven't we? I heard girls are attracted to Tal guys." He said.

"Adi!" I exclaimed, and we both laughed. A few seats to our left were the popular jocks, who all wore matching football jackets. Adi must've seen me looking in their direction.

"You'll be joining them soon, Mr. Football."

I looked at Adi and remembered that I have my football tryouts after school.

"Yeah, if I even make the team. Who will you sit with then?"

"People." Adi says. I look down at my tray of food and finished lunch.

~ later

That girl. Ali. We have a lot of classes, or at least it feels that way. I'm wondering if I'm attracted to her, or at least if she's attracted to me. The way she froze as I entered math this morning. How she turned into a cherry when giving me her pencil. I think this girl might like me.

I can't get distracted. I'm about to try out for the football team.

(football stuff happens yay)

After an exhausting couple of hours and downing three red gatorades, the coach makes his way to the bench where I'm sitting.

"You're on the team." He simply says, and I smile and thank him.

"We have practices Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and games on Fridays. Play well. The whole school will be watching this Friday."

I'm always nervous playing in front of people. Like they're going to criticize me, or dislike me if I don't play well, which is why I'm glad I still have Tuesday and Wednesday this week to practice since it's only Monday.

~ next day, in math class

"Good morning, class. I hope you've completed your assignment for today, because that will be put in the grade book by the end of class. Turn it in or get busy if you haven't finished."

Shit. I didn't even remember to copy down the assignment yesterday after Ali gave me her pencil. I remain the only student sitting down as I scribble down a few questions and answers on a blank sheet of paper.

I'm not a genius, but I know my stuff. It only takes a few minutes for me to finish my work and quickly run it to the teacher before she notices.

"Hey." Ali says to me as I sit down in my seat.

"Hi. What's up?"

"Oh, just sitting in math class talking to a cute guy."

I laugh to make things less awkward. "Hey, I'm sitting next to a cute girl." Is that considered flirting? I think so, because her cheeks turn a darker shade of pink than before.

"Wait, did I say cute?" She asks, and I nod my head, laughing. "I meant cool, but I guess you're pretty cute too. You coming to the football game on Friday?"

"I'll be playing in it."

"You made the team!" She said excitedly. "I'll definitely go then. Did anybody tell you there was a dance this weekend?"

Dance? "No."

"Oh. Are you gonna ask anybody? Some lucky girl?"

I smile. "Not sure yet." But honestly, I am sure.

Hi! My name's Sky, nice to meet ya :)
I hope you guys liked this chapter. I already know I'm gonna love writing this. By the way, the first few chapters are going to be the flash back, so you will know why Ali says she'll never love again after her experience with Tal.

Stop reading now unless you want to hear more about me:

-I'm from the US
-My real name isn't Sky
-My favorite youtubers are Reaction Time, ThatcherJoe, Caspar, Zoella, PointlessBlog, Robin Birrell, and sooo many more, but my very favorites are Tal and Joe.
-I'm in seventh grade
-I love to write, draw and play sports
And a ton of other crap you don't care about!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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