Original Concept for Four Little Notes

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Okay, so I know this is going to sound crazy, but I actually wrote a lot of chapters following this storyline. Unfortunately, I deleted them, so you won't be able to read them word for word, but I can give a basic(ish) description.

Yamato moves in with Ayano and Budo after the creepy notes are sent to him. Yamato has an attraction to Budo, that he tries to hide - but sometimes it's pretty obvious. As her childhood friend, Yamato doesn't want to betray Ayano and steal away her man, so he keeps quiet about his feelings.
Ayano and Budo have been growing apart due to Ayano distancing herself from him. They only ever seem to talk business when they do talk, and they get into fights super easily.
After Ayano and Budo get in a fight and Ayano storms off upstairs, Yamato has a mental breakdown about the past in front of Budo. Budo seems to relate with Yamato over relationship issues and tries his best to comfort him. Yamato ends up kissing Budo and instantly regrets it, while Budo is forgiving, understanding the current emotional state that Yamato is in.
Ayano comes back down and apologises to Budo, before heading into the kitchen. Yamato and Budo lock themselves in the master bedroom so they can talk without Ayano making a scene again. Long story short, the two men end up cuddling while chatting, which neither are uncomfortable with. Yamato confess he's attracted to Budo and Budo admits he kind of does too. What Budo feels isn't love though, it's just Yamato filling in the loneliness that Ayano has been giving him. Budo and Ayano have barely had a normal conversation in months, and Yamato is giving Budo what he has been longing for with Ayano.
Budo and Yamato run away to Mina and Sho, who are living together not too far away. Sho agrees to keep the secret of them two being together, and Mina eventually agrees, but she doesn't like it.
A few days later, Ayano realises that they've both been missing and has a meltdown thinking that the person that threatened Kokona kidnapped them - not realising the truth. Kokona and Riku try to comfort her, and Ayano confesses that she has been avoiding Budo in guilt. Ayano has known for weeks that she's pregnant, but can't bring herself to tell Budo. She's scared that he won't want it, or that he will abandon them both in fear of being a father. Of course, by this time she can't get in contact with Budo or Yamato, so she can't even confess her pregnancy at this point.
The 3 ask Musume to send out a task force to search for Budo and Yamato, which she agrees to. They search Mina and Sho's house and find the couple, when Ayano immediately realises something is going on between them both. She confess to Budo that she has been distancing herself from him because of the pregnancy and he instantaneously forgives her, leaving Yamato alone again.
Ayano and Budo have never been so close, but Yamato's state of loneliness worsens.

I decided to stop writing after Yamato is found dead by a shaken up and traumatised Budo. It just wasn't the direction I wanted to take for the story. While yes, the story is going to contain some dark themes, I just didn't feel happy with how it turned out. Budo and Ayano were supposed to be the power couple, and I was finding myself growing angry towards Ayano because of how she was treating Budo. Crazy right? The author growing mad at a character because of how the author was portraying her...
Anyway, I didn't want to release it until I was fully satisfied with the beginning. Since this is an Ayando book, I would hate for the audience to start shipping Yamato and Budo and begin disliking Ayano, because that wasn't my intension at all. I was trying to get across the message that relationships should never be just given up on, no matter how rocky the situation gets. I wanted to prove that if you love someone, you'll be able to fix it with them, but I ended up leading my OC to suicide in the process. This was not my intention at all and I knew that I needed to change it to make it more fitting.

Regardless of whether you like the original story or not, I hope you will enjoy how Four Little Notes turns out just as much as you enjoyed the original and my other books.

Thank you for reading, and as always, aishiteru^^

- Sabishix

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