Light from a dead star

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Light has spent all her life running away from original vampires.Never really knowing the true reason why they target her family more than others.She tried asking her parents why, a dozen of times but all they said was that they are something precious.

Years passed,and they were still trying to run from vampires.Light gained two adorable siblings.But the vampires came and Light was forced escape with her siblings.Her parents were bitten in front of her but as they looked in her direction,they smiled and made a gesture for her to run.Light was panic stricken as she was only a fifteen year old child who saw her parents being killed.She was frozen in fear but as soon as a vampire took notice of her,she carried her siblings and ran as fast as she could.She could not comprehend why the vampires have not caught up with her yet, all she knew was that she has always been a fast runner.Her Dad is a werewolf and her Mom is a half nymph half human.But vampires are so much faster than werewolves so it still does not explain why the vampires have not caught up with her yet.Light thought that maybe they got distracted with something else easier to prey on.She had to keep moving because original vampires can come out during the day too,so they can pick up their scent easily.

Light decided to find a place that can camouflage with its surroundings easily.She found a small cottage she was searching for wood.At first, she thought it was a boulder covered in moss but it was a cottage.It would be very hard to spot as there were many trees surrounding it.It would be the best choice to stay there to keep her siblings safe from harm.But she did not know that a vampire frequents that cottage.

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