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Do people really care about what the society of my generation is like? 

Its hell if you think of it, i dont really know how to explain but I might have a few words about the society today, To be honest i dont think the society of my generation is any better from before. People change thats life but  pleaaase, some of you people just have to wake up and do something better for your life.

Life may not be perfect, people may not be perfect... But please atleast do something good in your life.  My theory of the people of my generation's future is honestly... BAD, I mean look at all these young people messing up they're life, they dont know the consequences, and yet the parents seem to do nothing about it. Some.. Maybeee, but come on, children these days are lost! 

Someone has to guide them, if its not the parents, then possibly, maybe, god. I don't mean to bring up something religious but it doesn't matter, If your a believer, which you most likely are, The creator is watching, Im not all that religious but to be honest, all of us young people dont even care about god anymore. All these fucking pathetic crap people make up to seem cool is priceless in reality, All these teenage suicides, why'd ya think someone sooo young would think about death even though there's nothing good in they're lives? Because they don't have faith in the creator. Suicide is a sin, Its haram. Its forbidden in every way possible, but somehow society chooses just deal with it. 

People are dieing due to reasons I dont even understand. Whats the point in all the dreams and goals that you setted up for your future. I dont even anymore, This is just the start of what my oppinion towards society is. Come along to this journey where we begin to understand what life really is. Thank you for your time. 

Hello, its Jigo again here writing to you, possibly because Iam tired of all the shitty things that happening in society today, to be honest I think the world needs counselling. 

Anyways Im back again to tell you my oppinions in the society today. Thank you for reading ^__^

Okayyy, so let me give you a true to life situation, you get into a school where you wanna learn and make friends and live a nice fine school life, but that school seems to offer the shittiest of all educations ever because they over advertise that school into being one of the best school in town, even tho it isn't. Okay my point is, Whats up with that? They tell you all this crap about this school that they offer you fine ass education even though they don't, they give you an english teacher that cant even speak proper english, a PE teacher that sits around and eats potato chips, an utterly stupid french teacher that can't speak proper french and I can tell you much much more. 

I think google and wikipedia is giving me better education than this crappy ass school, To be honest I really wanna move schools but It will just be a pain in the ass for my parents. So I guess I can't do anything about it. Has that got you thinking? You get into a situation where in you can't do anything to fix it, Now whats up with that? In Society, Opputunities are the goals to succeed, Well Im getting an oppurtunity to study in a school, in one of the greatest places in the world, but this oppurtunity seems to be utterly stupid. Why study in this school if you get crappy education? Hmmm.. Well as everyone says, "Just Deal With It'' And that is another one fucking stupid thing about society, THEY DONT LET YOU DO SHIT! I guess I've said enough things to inform you about the situation Im in right now. THANK YOU FOR READING, Come along with me to this Journey where we begin to understand life in a better way. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2013 ⏰

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