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I wake up from a bad dream . I had a dream that I was at school meeting Lucas at science class. But after that I got this chill like I knew what was going to happen . I had a feeling someone was going to come in.
And not so far from my expectations, a girl comes in . And she asked " what the hell are you doing with my boyfriend ."
I stood there shook . I didn't know how to reply so I just said " uhh hi I don't think we met before , my name is Elena "
" omg my name is Jenna we're totally going to be besties " she replies sarcastically and rolls her eyes .

" now , mind if I have a word with me boyfriend " says Jenna
I look at Lucas and he gives me a slight nod that says you should leave before she kills you .
And with that look ... I left.

I went to the girls bathroom and I had a ... vision? I don't know. I think that's just my imagination.
When I walk past the science room I'm tempted to look through the window . So I do and oh my god what did I just see .
This was just like my vision or i don't know ! But Lucas and her .. they're doing it but she slips out a knife that is out of Lucas's sight .

I fling the door open and I say " wtf are you doing with that knife!?"
she threw the knife across the room and asks " oh um what knife"
" don't play dumb b*tch we all saw you throw it "
Lucas jumps off her and puts his shirt back on , she does the same . I leave the room so they can talk .

I wake up after that .

"If that is going to happen today I'm gonna scream "

It was four in the morning so I decide to try and go back to sleep . But I couldn't . So I go take a bath , straighten my hair , do my makeup , and pick out my outfit . Little did I know that taking a bath and straightening your hair takes more time than expected. So I run outside hoping Alex still didn't leave yet . Because there is no way in hell I'm walking again . Luckily I caught her right on time . She was getting into her car when I yell her name .
She stops and waves me to get in .

By the time we arrive I'm nervous about my dream . I don't know what's going to happen right now . I didn't want to tell Alex about my dream just yet because I didn't feel like being judged , although she doesn't look like the judgy type . I don't know her well enough .
" you better not leave school without me " I tell Alex in this serious yet joking way .
" let's hope " she laughs and moves on .
I make my way over to the science class and I find Lucas in there .
He was playing with chemicals but when he saw me he put everything down and came over to me .

We talked about how there are tryouts for the girls football , basketball, and cheerleading team . He wanted me to sign up to one of them .
" I'll think about it " I promised him .
And with that being said Jenna or a girl that looks like her walks in . And not much to my surprise we re-enact my whole dream . No need to explain it you guys already know how it went down.

After that I went to my first class which I had with Theo . I was a bit late so I had to sit next to him since that was the only empty spot . Theo isn't bad looking he's fine .
" Hey there's a party this Saturday if you wanna come ."
" umm sure but can I bring a plus one ?" I ask giggling.
" sure , Anything for you cupcake "
" don't call me that " I laugh yet I'm serious in a way .
" sure cupcake" he laughs as a blush .
The rest of the day went normally after lunch break I had a class with Jenna !! I was late once again . Why am I always late ugh . There were two empty spots so I head over to the one that isn't next to Jenna but before I get to sit down . Someone already took that spot . I would've though that Jenna had a minion army that sat with her but I guess not so I'm stuck sitting with her for the rest of the year.

she gives me this dirty look and unwelcoming smile . I just ignored her for the rest of the English period . I know I just met her but I can't stand her . All I'm thinking about right now is my dream . What does it mean ? How can it be possible that I have this type of dream ? Am I psychic ? What am I ? Why did I have it ?

All these thoughts are running through my brain . Not only for the English period but the whole day . When I get a free period , I go to the library to see if I can find anything . Because I don't know the schools wifi password and my 3G is done.
" I need to re-Fill my 3G when I get home " I remind myself and head on to my research . I couldn't really find anything in any of these books there was just this one page that I didn't have enough time to read so I just ignored it and told myself that this wouldn't happen again and that it was just a weird day.

I see Alex waiting for me outside with her car .
I get in and ask " wait the school is over already ?"
" yes you idiot why do you think I'm in my car " she asks with an attitude.
" well if I were an idiot would I need to remind you to put on some music ? "
" ....never mind "

So we head home but we stop at a shop so I could refill my 3G .

After that I go home , eat some ravioli, and go to my room to try and get this day out of my mind.

Hey guys I hope your enjoying the story till now !! If you find it boring , It will get more interesting in the next chapter I promise.

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