Adventure of a life time

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It was a beautiful day,  Katelyn,  Aphmau and Aaron were hangout with each other when Aaron got a text from Gene reading 'hey I need to speak to you about something can you come to mine?'. 'Who is that from?' Aphmau asked him so he explained to the girls what Gene had said, the girls decided to go with him just in case Gene was being his usuarl self even though he had changed his ways since high school.

Once the gang got there the doors were open so the three of them walked in 'hey Gene its me Aaron I got your text where are you?' Aaron called to Gene, they looked around the room when suddenly the doors locked behind them 'what the heck?' Katelyn esclamed Aaron went to the doors and tried to open them but no luck Aaron got another text from Gene but this time it was a werid one it sounded like Ivan, Lucindas ex boyfriend it read: I see you found my house now you are trapped mahuhaha. All of them shervied at the text, they looked around the house to see if there was any way out but there wasnt they were all locked 'ugh I swear Ivan I will kill you' Katelyn said angrly 'cant you get Lucinda to help us?' Aphmau asked Aaron but before he could answer Katelyn said 'I will text her' so she did Lucindas reply was 'I am sorry I am at work and my boss wont let me go even though it is an emangancy' Katelyn shook her head and said 'no use she cant come shes stuck at work and her boss wont let her go' 'or she is sleeping' Aaron chuckled the girls laughed as well a little at this.

The three of them stood together in one room Aphmau got scared she couldnt take it, Aaron walked around the house some more then called to the girls 'hey guys you better come and check this out' the girls rushed to him to see what was wrong Aaron pointed to a carpet that wasnt there before 'a carpet? I thought this house wasnt funished' Aphmau said but it was Aaron got another text saying: I see you found the carpet lovely isnt it? Why dont you look under it?'. 'His watching us!' Katelyn said Aaron picked up the carpet which hid the basement entrance.

They looked at each other 'I'll go first' Katelyn said as she was readying her sword just in case there was something down there but before she could jump down Aphmau dropped down through the entrence 'or you could just do that' Aphmau laughed then moved out of the way so her friends could join her once down they looked around the room 'I hate to say this guys but we are trapped once again' Aphmau said Katelyn and Aaron both nodded to agreed another text came through Aarons phone it read: ah you found my basement very good but your still trapped mahahaha. They looked around the room some more and soon enough Aaron found a button which he pressed, the button opened a secert door which lead to a tunnel, they went down it Katelyn had her sword ready still just to be safe they found another room which was a jail which of course Aphmau got stuck in Katelyn pulled a leva to open the door Aphmau came out and Aaron asked her if she was okay which she was just a little more scared then before.

They had to find the way out of the room which they did thanks to Aaron finding 3 pickaxes and two stone blocks 'we can use these to get back into the house' he gave the girls a pickaxe each and told them to go one at the time once inside of the same room again Aarons phone buzzed again this time reading 'impressive work you managed to get out of my basement' Katelyn had enough of this so she shouted 'what do you want from us?' Ivans text back was quite simple he said 'I just want you to fix my heart' 'what the?' Aaron said 'he wants Lucinda...YOU CANT HAVE HER IVAN' Katelyn said aloud ' I want...Aph' Ivan texted 'NO' Aaron shouted. They looked around the house some more 'you two stay here Im going to look upstairs' Aaron said before rushing up the stairs he leaned on one of the doors to think for a moment when the door opened he fall backwards and as he did he screamed the girls rushed up the stairs to see what was going on 'Aaron!' They both called 'what happened?' Aphmau asked him ' this door opened when I leant on it looks like a bedroom Katelyn walked into the small room besides it she jumped back and said 'um guys you better come and see this' there was 7 skulls on the wall human ones once again another text came through saying: those can be your skulls. All three of them ran out of the bedroon down to the room they started in Aaron hugged Aphmau to try to calm her down a little Kateyln suggested they should split up to cover the house once more.

However, this was a bad idea because once they were sprited iron bars appeared and trapped them in different rooms so they couldnt get to each other Aaron went to Aphmau and hugged her through the bars the best he could he told them he would find away to free the girls when suddenly he got trapped in the jail by Ivan who showed up at the house he laughed and went to where Aphmau was ' you will be mine I have already took care of Aaron' he said 'you killed him!' Katelyn said shocked at this 'thats it you have done it this time' she  started to punch the iron bars that soon broke she ran upstairs to find more bars accrossed two doors she started to punch them while doing so she heard Ivan say 'if you dont become my girlfriend Aaron dies' 'no I wont' Aphmau said with her back to a wall 'dont listen to him Aph' Katelyn called Ivan ignored her and used his magic to control Aphmau and said 'now you will listen to me use this button to kill Aaron' Katelyn could see  whats going on she carried on breaking the bars, once she had finally broken the bars she held Ivan at sword point.

Ivan ran outside leaving Aphmau trapped in the room Katelyn went after him it started to rain once outside the two fighted each other once the battle was over Katelyn had killed Ivan she ran back to Aphmau who was standing in the same place 'come on Aphmau we got to find Aaron' the two of them ran through the house 'Aph..Aph..' they heard Aaron call they found him in the jail Katelyn set him free he walked out and, fainted the two girls took him upstairs to the bedroom and sat him down Aphmau was crying which was understandable, Aaron was dying Katelyn knew she had to save her friend she looked at Aphmau and said 'stay with him Im going to go and look for something to heal him' she ran outside as the doors were now open thanks to Ivan she found some rotten meat in a chest and took it back to Aphmau and Aaron, she said 'here I couldnt find nothing but this might help' she gave the meat to Aaron who soundly fall asleep, the rain stopped so the girls carried him outside so he could get some air  Aphmau heard a nether portal and got an idea ' I am going to take him to the nether so he can heal' Katelyn didnt like this idea one bit but she allowed it she followed them through the portal with her sword in hand once inside Aaron began to heal.

'Lets wait back in the over world so he can heal complety and wait until he returns' Aphmau said to Katelyn who just nodded after 5 mintues the portal shook the girls jumped back 'Aph..where are you?' It was Aaron calling for Aphmau the girls looked back in the house to see Aaron standing in a room. However, Aaron was not his normal self he was a shadow knight Aphmau ran up to him and hugged him 'ow!' Aphmau said jumping back Aarons new form had hurt her he said he was sorry and that he loved her no matter what 'well, at least Ivan is deas thanks to me hey Aaron dont shadow knights return to their human form like Laurance does?' Katelyn asked, suddenly Aaron returned to his normal self and they grouped hugged 'so what now?' Katelyn asked 'well, we have a free house' Aaron joked they all laughed; the world was right again.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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