Chapter 1: Summer

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In the middle of Little Whinging, in Surrey England, on a perfectly ordinary street, in a perfect house, you will find the definition of perfect family. Supporting father, doting mother and wonderful teenager. However, this is a mask. For this family of four was far from perfect. 

In this house, in the second back bedroom, was a boy. With untameable jet black hair and Emerald green eyes, a scrawny body with oversized clothes and a lightning bolt scar in the middle of his forehead.

Harry James Potter laid on the bed in his cousin's second bedroom listening to the voices downstairs. Tossing and turning on his bed, he sighed. This was to be the fifth summer with his relatives after coming home from Hogwarts. A few weeks ago, he had lost his godfather because of the light's so called need to know basis.

Rolling onto his front, he rubbed his head and drifted into an uneasy sleep.

Harry P.O.V.

"No!" I bolted upright panting. Sweat beaded my face and stuck my hair to my neck. Tears had made tracks down my cheeks and I hurriedly wiped them away listening to the quiet of the house. The creaking of floorboards and the rough footsteps of my uncle made me shake in fear. The door was wrenched open and I whimpered. "What in the devil are you thinking boy?" He snarled "There is more than you in this house, you freak!" He grabbed my hair and began dragging me out of my room. "If you won't be quiet then I'll make you." He continued to drag me  down the stairs and over to the basement door. He threw me down the cement steps and followed behind my tumbling body. I struggled to crawl away but he gripped my hair again and pulled me over to a wall. Smashing my body against the wall I sunk to my knees dizzily. He tightened his grip on my hair and yanked my head back before placing a heavy metal object around my neck. As he smashed me into the wall once more, I felt consciousness slip from my grasp. 

3 weeks later-basement of #4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey

Slowly conscious returned to me as I struggled to move. Pain lanced through my whole body. Whimpering in quiet pain, I curled up tightly and sobbed into my arms.

After a few long minutes, I heard hushed footsteps upstairs and soft voices. "Potter!" I froze as fear settled over my body. Suddenly the basement door was blasted open and footsteps rushed down. I curled myself into a tighter ball, as a scream worked it's way out of my throat. 

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