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June 6th 1944

Operation Overlord

5 Houres before The Attack on Omaha

On The USS Frankfurt The Trainees were given a meal for a moral boost. But Jean decided that he would only eat a chocolate bar. Jean Kirstein was part of the 104th Regiment of the Trainee Corps but their training was rushed and they were sent to war. Jean was always afraid of death. Getting involved in Operation Overlord would only seal his coffin.

- End of Flashback -

*Jeans POV*

The landing craft, it was hell. People throwing up left and right due to sea sickness. The waves weren't making it any better. Water started to crashed into the boat, we didn't have anything except our helmets. We started throwing the water back out, not forgetting the vomit left by the ill. This was bad we aren't going to perform well in these conditions.

"Clear the ramp 30 Seconds!" Yelled the driver of the landing craft.

Now there was silenced they all knew that were facing a wall of Machine Guns to be more specific MG42.

"GO GO GO! " After that there was a whistle, The ramp swiftly dropped. This was a mistake. Bullets started hurling into the craft. The men at the front had no chance they tried to run out only to be cut down by German machine gun rounds. We only had one option to jump over the side or to face certain death. I grabbed the side of the boat and hurled myself over into the sea. I hit the water fast and I realised I was being pulled down by my own equipment. I struggled to get them off as I saw my friends drown, by what was mean't to support them in conflict. As soon as I got my gear off I swam to the top gasping for air. This was only the start of hell.

I swam to the shore hearing cries of agony from being shot and only to slowly die in pain. Others were immediately cut down and died on the spot. Morale was low there was nothing we could do to fight back, our goal now is to reach the top of the beach and take down their fortifications. In time I reached the beach to see soldiers taking cover near the fallen.

"We have to move up!" Shouted one man,

"Are you crazy? They'll mow us down!" The other screamed back it him

I interrupted their argument saying, "Look we have to move up or that tide is gonna catch us! We're dead men already but I would rather die bravely than a coward!"

They looked at me and nodded their heads, we made ready for a run to the next closes cover. It had seem like a split second the MG42s had stopped. The three of us stood up and made a dash for cover. We were caught with our pants down the machine guns started to open fire again. Bullets flying over my head and all around me, they hit the man to my left. He fell down lifeless after taking a bullet to the head. I dived to the ground letting the bullets fly over me as I crawled into a ditch. The man that was to my right soon arrived jumping in next to me.

"Hey what happened to Randy?" He asked me,

"He didn't make it," I replied with a cold voice.

He looked down and muttered something under his breath. This was only the start, they started firing artillery at us. They do not want us to get through the Atlantic Wall. At that very moment, I sat there looking up at the sky wondering as the bullets fly by. Will I make it?


And that brings an end to the first chapter of the Attack on D-Day. I will be rewriting this book through the course of the month and so on this will take time school is catching up on me. Thanks for reading! Tommy don't believe this

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