Dark Water ( A Harry Styles Fanfiction)

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It's scary, honestly, to think about death. At least once in a lifetime, one would wonder what their fate would be. The thing is, though, is that when one imagines dying, they think of themselves as old and wrinkly; age having taken its toll on your body. Nobody wonders what it feels like to die young. We all assume that when we die, we would have had a good long life and it was just our time. To be fair, I guess that's what happens to most people. Some aren't so lucky. Some as young as their early teens meet their fate early, the light leaving their eyes all too soon. Some from sickness, some from starvation, some even suicide. These people are the unlucky ones who hardly got to say goodbye. They are the ones that schools have memorial services for because they were young enough to be students there prior to their untimely demise. These are the ones that will never get to fully live life and experience everything that there is a "first time" for. These people are exactly like me.

Everything before then was a bit fuzzy. I could recall what I thought and what I saw during those last few precious moments. Everything before then, birthday parties, numerous first days of school, my first kiss. No matter how hard I tried to grasp onto those memories, no matter how much I wanted desperately to remember, I couldn't grasp any of it. My entire life up until my very last breaths was like sand running through an hour glass, slowly slipping away until it reached its end and had to start over. It wasn't until that morning in December when I finally acquired the realization that I, Harry Styles, was nothing but a memory in people's pasts. I was nothing more than a grievance and a beginning to somebody's tale of one of their late childhood friends.

That cold, crisp morning in that fateful December was the morning I realized that I was dead. It was also the morning where I relived meeting the girl that I had known my whole life; the girl that I had told all of my secrets to and had stayed up talking to until the sun chased the moon back out of the sky and a new day began. The girl that was my best friend.

At the time, the only thing I knew about her was that I was somehow tied to her more strongly than anybody else I had ever known, ever spoken to, and ever touched. I felt like she had been an enormous part of my life, if anything, my whole life. Maybe I was tied to her, like a guardian angel of some sort. Maybe it wasn't even a real connection or real vague memories I was feeling, but some sort of tie that was created between us at the moment of my death and caused me to feel like I knew her. I didn't even use to believe in myths and theories like that.

Coming from the situation I was currently in, though, I wasn't sure what to believe anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2014 ⏰

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