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"And how does this make you feel?" She sat straight in her chair, very proud of herself. She held her pen in her hand tightly to hide the shaking. She was trying to hide it unsuscusfully. She was terrified, and it was obvious.

"Angry." I gave her a one word answer.
She wrote something down with her shaky hand.

"W-why does this make you angery?" She stuttered. Another sign or fear. She just couldn't wait for me to leave the room so she could feel safe again.

I shrugged. "It just does."

"Do you have anything you'd like to talk about?"


The women looked surprized for a moment, then fear crossed her face. "Please comtinue."

"What would happen if I happened to commit another murder?"

"Wha?" Her hands began to shake so much that she dropped the pen, and she in took a deep breath and froze.

I smirked. "Are you scared?" I leaned forward to add to the effect. The fear was the best part. To watch there faces twist and there body shake, knowing the last thing they see is my face. Well…. I've only killed one person, but I sure as hell enjoyed it.

No one will except this one. I've been on my best behavior for a while and they're thinking of taking me out of counseling. Good, I hate all of the bitches here, but her. Trina, the counselor in front of me now, is my most hated. She's too… over confident in herself. She thinks she too good for anyone and everyone, that she's so good at her job but she just can't hide those emotions of hers. You can tell when she's discussed and dissapointed, you can tell she holds back somethings.

"You would go t-t-to… umm… uhhh…. Jail." She leaned a way and swallowed the lump in her throat.

"That doesn't sound so bad." I stood and Trina tensed worse.

"I think our session is over." She said not taking her eyes off of me.

"Me too." I smiled a big one, revealing my teeth.

Then Trina screamed a loud one.

I want to see how this one goes.... I'm not sure if I'll continue it or not tho.....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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